Damned lucky...

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Damned lucky...

Post by awalker1829 »

Just got my blood test results from the primary care physician. Had some bloodwork done Friday and they performed a COVID antibody test as I found out last week that I had an exposure to a coworker who tested positive for COVID on 09/15. The antibody test came back as non-reactive, so that’s good news. A few items in the standard blood tests tested out of normal range, but just barely. I’ll hopefully get an opinion from the doctor tomorrow. Might need additional tests depending on what he says.
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Re: Damned lucky...

Post by qz2026 »

What state are you in? In many of the commie states, contact tracing would have you isolated for two weeks after having come in contact with someone who supposedly has Covid... Your body would create the same antibodies for any flu, even a common cold, that you have experienced over the last 10 years. And I don't know that what they actually find are antibodies anyway. My research indicates that they are looking for remnants of the repair work the real "virus" performed. And since there has been no success in isolating this so-called virus, they rely on a silly anti-body test. As far as your co-worker is concerned, remember that this Covid test produces 80%+ false positives. And many doctors diagnose a person with having Covid with a simple runny nose or a cough - you know like a cold. :roll: Ever wonder why the number of cases is so large? Anyway, I suppose that they have determined that you have not had Covid.

Good luck on the other tests that were borderline.
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Re: Damned lucky...

Post by awalker1829 »

Arizona is where I am. I gave the full explanation of the situation to the Doc-sick coworker was in a cubicle about eight feet from me. Office requires us to wear masks when not in our cubicles. Cubicles are high wall with little circulation. None of us in the work area got sick or had symptoms during the three weeks after the exposure. Coworker was exhibiting multiple symptoms. Doc is certain that I did not get it. I also got the doctor's review of the other test results-everything is normal. Doc didn't even bother with the standard COVID test given that I did not report any symptoms and it was so long past the incubation period.
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