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NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:53 am
by bunkysdad
I think it is no secret that Hillary Clinton is a gun grabber, and would push very hard to fight for gun control. If she was to miraculously get past all of the controversy that follows her and get elected it could get knarly. My membership to the NRA was expired when I went to the gun show a few weeks ago so I was compelled to stop by the NRA booth and join up. In my opinion it is 25 bucks very well spent. Just stop and think where we would be without them. The NRA is our strongest advocate.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:00 am
by zeebill
Don't always agree with the NRA in their methods and I have been bit for the last time on their election picks as our senator who co-sponsored the latest anti-gun bill was an A+ pick for electing chosen by the NRA. I am a lifetime member though and I guess other than small and virtually useless organizations that just take your money and make useless noise but do nothing they are the best game in town. Good Gosh I sure hope Madam Chairman doesn't get in there! Anything to avoid that is acceptable. Bill :o

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:24 am
by BubbaDX
I agree 100%. We need strong organizations like the NRA fighting for us. I hear people complain because the NRA asks for money or tries to sell them items. The fact is they need money to keep fighting the fight. And with Hitlary expected to take in billions for her campaign the NRA needs us more than ever. My lifetime membership is almost paid off. Then my son will get his lifetime membership and my daughter will get one as well. I also donate to their ILA a little when I can.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:20 pm
by steelbuttplate
I was a NRA member for 20 yrs, now I'm a member of NAGR. They are both VG organizations. I think it's good we have more than one pro gun advocate group.....SBP

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:42 pm
by Luthierseye
NRA?? Absolutely along with NAGR. I have proudly joined both. All we need now are clever ways to hide arms & ammo till the time is right.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:46 pm
by mike663
Been an NRA member for 4 years now. I to don't always like the way they do things, far to much politics in the organization. That said they are about the best game in town, and I do believe there serious about protecting the 2A. So I'll keep supporting them.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:35 pm
by jimpierce7
I'm thinking maybe I should. I would hate the rest of the country to follow California on the issue of guns. 16 years in a row of pro gun control may be too much to with stand.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:07 pm
by bunkysdad
Luthierseye wrote:NRA?? Absolutely along with NAGR. I have proudly joined both. All we need now are clever ways to hide arms & ammo till the time is right.
yeah, like a really big bug out bag! (BOB)

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:27 pm
by docbob
Sent another donation to the ILA/NRA. Like Israel, we can't afford to lose a battle.
I urge all members to join the NRA and join in the fight.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:03 pm
by Longcolt44
Do you remember the 1994 Clinton gun ban? It took 10 years to get out of that one. The NRA was the binding force that lead to it's demise in 2004. There are some new organizations that fight for our second amendment rights as well. What ever you do, get with one. If Hillary gets in don't you think Bill will want his ban back? Support something.

Re: NRA Membership

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:00 pm
by Vendetta
Joined the NRA this year for 3 years and will certainly renew again when it comes due. There are imperfections in the system but I hate the idea of the antis winning anything so I know my money is at least furthering the protection of my rights.