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New to Mosins, Considering Izhevsk PU Sniper Purchase

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:14 pm
by m91curious
Hello all - first post here - My firearms niche is 1920s-1950s rifles. I'm looking at adding a Mosin PU sniper to my collection.

I've got a lead on an Izhevsk 1944 post-war rebuild. Matching except for the floorplate, and looks authentic in terms of the things I know to look for. . .though shadows in the pictures I received via text obscure some interesting details like the proofs, the stock sling liner, etc.

The seller claims the bore is minty. . .which is great since I'd want a shooter.

Pics suggest that the rifle is overall in very good to excellent shape. He's asking 1400. Does anyone have thoughts on a price that would be appropriate for this rifle assuming it's authentic? I see PU snipers on gunbroker for more than is being asked, but there also tends to be a good bit of insanity there.

Thanks very much.

Re: New to Mosins, Considering Izhevsk PU Sniper Purchase

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:34 am
by qz2026
There are lots of bubba's around and a lot of arsenal made refurbed snipers. It might be best to forward the pictures of this gun to this forum so the experts can look at it. I can't stress how important it is, especially with a sniper, to get multiple opinions before shelling out this kind of money.

Re: New to Mosins, Considering Izhevsk PU Sniper Purchase

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:16 am
by ssg_lord
The PU sniper rifle market is a minefield of ex-sniper/re-snipers, mis represented reproductions and outright fakes with legit examples mixed in. If you don't know what to look for you can get skunked easily. I would hold off on buying until you know what to look for, the tell tales of a legit PU are available on most of the Mosin related forums for free with a little searching and reading. As said above, if you post the sellers pictures here, you'll get an answer quickly I'd imagine. I'd be cautious using Gunbroker as a guide, a significant percentage of the legit PU snipers sold on that site are nothing of the sort. A rather obvious repro/fake PU just sold for 3500$

Re: New to Mosins, Considering Izhevsk PU Sniper Purchase

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:36 am
by Darryl
Read out "RMNF Knoledge Base" above. It will "help". But you should get an opinion from and expert on PU Sniper rifles when buying. Not jhust a "Mosin expert". There are things that will bring an instant "authentic" confirmation. but if you don't know them, you could get skunked.
