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Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:39 pm
by Darkdally
So I got this 91/59, and those who saw my previous thread know that I had to take it apart and fix it before I shot it. Well, I noticed that while the bolt was slick and recently serviced, the receiver and all the inside business was atrocious and crusty. It's a real chore to get it all apart, so I figure that the previous owner never bothered. Well that on top of the 3 boxes of ammo I ran through it last week (and I still have the beautiful black and yellow bruise on my shoulder to prove it :D), and I want to really, thoroughly clean it.

So I have it all apart now, because I refuse to fire it again until it's as pristine as it was in '42. I'd love any info or links or whatever you guys have for cleaning especially the receiver and magazine/trigger guard. (sorry I'm new to this and don't know all the technical terms). The barrel and upper receiver, along with the magazine are greasy and crusted with decades-old grease. I'd also love to redo the bolt and even the wood pieces. Any wisdom for a total cleaning overhaul? thanks in advance :)

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:54 pm
by ParrotHead
I take all the metal, bolt, mag housing, screws, trigger, etc and throw it in a bucket with mineral spirits to get cosmo off.
Inside the barrel and receiver area I usually spray with brake cleaner. Takes it off fast.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:19 pm
by entropy
If the bore is dark, take the barrelled action, put your showerhead on the densest stream, and run HOT water down it, from the breech end. (hold it with a towel and or a hot pad/ OveGlove.) Pull it out occasionally to run a bore brush down it, and rinse and repeat. (Sorry, couldn't resist that one.) Be sure to wipe down the outside as well as swab out the bore, (or blow it out with an air compressor) relube, with a light coat of oil. It took 45 minutes of that to get the bore of a 1916 Sestroryetsk to run clear water out.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:49 pm
by Longcolt44
As for the wood stock, leave it as is. No matter how hard you try you can't duplicate history, good or bad.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:32 pm
by Darkdally
Okay great, so I can use brake-kleen or carb cleaner or whatever as a solvent, and clean out the bore in the shower. That's good to know. Is there a particular kind of oil I should use to re-lube it?

Also, a confession: I asked about cleaning the wood because I had the rifle sitting on the floor by my chair, and spilled food (in particular, gravy) on the handguard and barrel. I know, I know, but at least it wasn't on the bolt action and trigger. I immediately tore it down and wiped it all, but I want to clean it really good to make sure. Being as I'm dealing with nearly 80 year old wood, I wondered what would be a safe bet for cleaning it without damaging it. I was honestly thinking like Pledge or something.

Yeah, again, I know. But I'm planning ASAP, probably tax return season, to get another, less valuable weapon to keep around the house so this one can be properly stored and cared for.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:21 am
by millman
Get the gravy off of the stock with a damp rag.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:23 am
by bunkysdad
This will become a long thread today, but keeping it simple is best. You must not get within 100 miles of your stock with any brake cleaner or spray chemicals! I seriously would not even have the stock in the same room if you go the brake cleaner route. It splatters and even a drop will leave a bad spot on the stock. You should just wipe the stock with a clean cloth or something that won't hurt the shellac which is kind of delicate. The metal parts clean easily especially after you get the initial cleaning out of the way. Get a good long 1 piece cleaning rod like a Dewey or my fave is a Tipton 40" or 44" rod. Long enough to clean from the breach end, with the bolt removed. I like HOPPES #9 solvent and it is cheap and easy to find at Walmart. You should always clean all that junk out good before the first shooting. And always clean ASAP after shooting. Most ammo for Mosins especially surplus ammo is corrosive so a week is too long to wait. Commercial store bought ammo and you might not have a problem. Welcome to the forum buddy.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:25 am
by bunkysdad
One more suggestion is Never use the guns cleaning rod. The steel rod will damage the crown of your barrel easily.

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:20 am
by Rongo
I did an extensive thread on some Type 53s' I bought on the whole process of cleaning... Link is below. I hope it helps answer some questions. :pointdown:

Type 53 U-Fix-Ums Project

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:26 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
42izzy9130 wrote:
Longcolt44 wrote:As for the wood stock, leave it as is. No matter how hard you try you can't duplicate history, good or bad.
Unfortunately, I learned that the hard way which P.O.ed me. Did what I could to put it back and make it look as original as possible.

EDIT: So where the hell did my avatar go,? I didn't touch it! Put it back!
We didn't touch it either so far as I am aware. When did it vanish?

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:41 pm
by millman
Junk Yard Dog wrote:
42izzy9130 wrote:
Longcolt44 wrote:As for the wood stock, leave it as is. No matter how hard you try you can't duplicate history, good or bad.
Unfortunately, I learned that the hard way which P.O.ed me. Did what I could to put it back and make it look as original as possible.

EDIT: So where the hell did my avatar go,? I didn't touch it! Put it back!
We didn't touch it either so far as I am aware. When did it vanish?

Re: Tips for cleaning a crusty old Mosin?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 6:34 pm
by steelbuttplate
What caliber is an Avitar? I can't find any on GB....WD-40 and an old toothbrush turns cosmo into thick oil you can wipe off w/ paper towels :thumbsup: .....SBP