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Mosin Showcase Rules and Information... PLEASE READ FIRST

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:42 am
by Rongo
Welcome to the Mosin Showcase


The Mosin Nagant Showcase is a section of the forum dedicated to displaying nice, uncommon, rare, unique, interesting & obscure variants of the Mosin Nagant in a Presentation Format. As it grows this will provide a great venue for everyone to see all the models of the Mosin Nagant Rifle in one location.

Remember, Mosins posted here DO NOT have to be rare... But they do need to be more than the common everyday refurb as well. Please see the guide below for more details.

Rules of the Showcase Forum

1. Presentation Content ... Please make your Post informative & with good-quality pictures. The posting should tell us about the rifle itself, it's historical facts, provenance & other known & verifiable details to the best of your knowledge.

2. If you feel your Mosin Nagant should be posted hereā€¦ Then Post a new thread of your rifle in the Regular "Collectable Mosin Nagant Forum" section first to give members the opportunity to comment on the rifle. In that thread, please mention consideration for the "Showcase" in your post. Members will then have the opportunity to post and give their input... Then go ahead & put a copy of your thread here.

3. MOSIN NAGANT REQUIREMENTS... You may be asking what should be posted here? Examples would be; Any Mosin Nagant with nice, unusual or uncommon features, prefix matching #'s, "Nice" Ex-Snipers, unissued or lightly issued models, DDR marked, Double &Triple date MO's, Finn variants, [SA] Finn capture, Odd Arsenal repairs, Weird variations, Unknowns, Marbled or striped stocks, Vet Bringbacks with (or without) documentation, Old Warhorses, Rare production models and low matching serial # models.
Remember; These are just examples & it doesn't have to be "RARE" to post here... Mosin Nagant's that really do not qualify would be very common, rough Refurbished Mosins that one can acquire almost anywhere or a definitely altered/bubba gun. It has to have that little something to make it special, different & not run of the mill common.

4. As we all know, Regular thread's in the Forum will disappear in the pages over time... but when something is posted here it will endure as a reference for everyone to re-read & enjoy. Participation is appreciated & we hope this grows into a great reference tool for Collectors & Enthusiasts. The majority of the members here all have an uncommon or rare example in their collection & this is a great venue to show it.

5. The Showcase as a quality Reference This is really the goal... To see nice representatives of ALL the Arsenals, Models, Years & variations. The Mosins DO NOT need to be very rare or hard to come by... Just good, interesting & unique in some sort of way that sets it apart just a bit from the ho-hum, run of the mill refurb.

6. Most importantly; Have fun & enjoy!

Procedures for submitting your firearm in the Showcase:

1) Post your Presentation in the Regular "Collectable Mosin Nagant Forum" section for member viewing & discussion... Then post a copy to the Showcase for Administrator approval. Remember to PM an Administrator that there is a Post "pending" in the Showcase.

2) Review your post THOROUGHLY before you Submit to verify it is as you intend. Administrators may edit or suggest changes before final approval of the Showcase submission.

3) When you are finished press the "Submit" button.

4) You will see a message saying your post will first have to be approved by an Administrator. We also ask that you PM an Administrator to notify us of your Submission.
Once your post is Reviewed AND Approved... your firearm post will become visible to all members.

All "showcase" images (photos) will be hosted on RMNF's servers. (no exceptions). You can either attach images as "Attachments", or link to a host or server, but if you link, the images will be downloaded and re-uploaded to our servers.