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What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:32 am
by m1guy
I know we support preservation, not alteration.
But, I want to read a little on some real purists of the purists forums.
What are some examples of even more strict firearms boards, as far as tolerating any type of alteration, modification, refinishing, etc?

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:40 am
by martin08
No forums are strict if rules are read and followed.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:53 am
by Junk Yard Dog
This board. This is a preservation board, post here about how you want to build a fake PU sniper out of your 1934 M91/30 and out the door that will be going the moment my eyes set on it. I will tolerate how do I fix my Bubba posts, or is this a Bubba post, but nothing about altering an original rifle and making it a Bubba. That's about as hard line as it gets except for some places that might not even want to hear about no alteration mods, like for the scope. I don't much like that shit either, but will tolerate it so long as the rifle can be put back to rights with no damage. I don't travel the 'net much, so I can't suggest any places to look for real super hard liners, the guys who treasure even original rust and dirt who never fire anything they collect. Very likely these sort will not put up with any board and will only be found off line in the real world were you will have to go to them in person.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:11 am
by m1guy
Yeah, those are the ones that I wonder about.

I wonder what guys say about guns that they wouldn't even consider firing, and don't even like to touch because they're afraid of leaving a fingerprint on it. But, I suppose that could be right. They might not put up with any type of internet forums, because almost everybody might be too much of a Bubba for them.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:46 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
White gloves are the rule with very high end collector pieces, spend a couple of hundred grand on something and you don't want fingerprint oils on it.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:20 pm
by jimpierce7
hell, I wear white gloves on everything over $300. And I'm not a serious collector! Yet.

I can't recall where it is but I did go int o one forum that seemed above and beyond in its strictness of what could be spoken about.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:00 pm
by vblue42
Yeah I would say this forum is pretty damn strict. Theres that one time that I posted a link to a horribly bubba'd M44 to show just what idiots do to these rifles and to remind others to "never go there" I got a response from Millman that if I ever did that again I would be banned! Im still pissed about that. I have never advocated doing such things and have been an exemplary member on here but was still threatened so I would say this forum takes the cake.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:32 pm
by bunkysdad
If you are interested in a forum that considers itself so strict, that you can only join by invitation, speaking of common refurbs is not allowed, shooting anything except surplus ammo is forbidden for discussion, and any thread with posts that go off-topic will have those posts deleted, and asking about adjusting your sights to get accurate shooting results, or even posting pictures of your targets will get you flames by a gang of members, then I can tell you that such forums exist. But you gotta find it on your own. Or start your own. Why would you even want that?

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:11 pm
by millman
vblue42 wrote:Yeah I would say this forum is pretty damn strict. Theres that one time that I posted a link to a horribly bubba'd M44 to show just what idiots do to these rifles and to remind others to "never go there" I got a response from Millman that if I ever did that again I would be banned! Im still pissed about that. I have never advocated doing such things and have been an exemplary member on here but was still threatened so I would say this forum takes the cake.
If one wants to see bubba in action he is out there in spades, we don't want this to be a showcase for him. My admonition stands. Nothing personal vblue. You aren't the only one I have said this to.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:17 pm
by millman
The forum you (the OP) are thinking about is probably 7.62x54r.nets forum. They have their rules and are serious about them. Not a bad thing. Like Martin said, any forum is easy if you follow their rules.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:39 pm
by m1guy
I'm not saying I'd really want that. I probably wouldn't join and post on such a site, simply because I'd be afraid to ask anything for fear of subjecting myself to the flames of hell. I even consider myself a preservation advocate who hates to see history get Bubba'd. But if an unaltered refurb isn't good enough for them, then I'd definitely be with the wrong crowd.
I think this one has plenty of rules about that and normally does a good job of follwing them, which is good. Sometimes even on here I might find it a little too harsh in my opinion, but it isn't my sandbox so that is up to someone else.
But, I wouldn't mind reading on one of the more strict boards, just too see some of the opinions of the most "extreme."

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:45 pm
by bunkysdad
Check out the one Millman mentioned. There's some serious collections represented on some of the forums. Never hurts to look at lots of firearms.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:13 pm
by vblue42
millman wrote:
vblue42 wrote:Yeah I would say this forum is pretty damn strict. Theres that one time that I posted a link to a horribly bubba'd M44 to show just what idiots do to these rifles and to remind others to "never go there" I got a response from Millman that if I ever did that again I would be banned! Im still pissed about that. I have never advocated doing such things and have been an exemplary member on here but was still threatened so I would say this forum takes the cake.
If one wants to see bubba in action he is out there in spades, we don't want this to be a showcase for him. My admonition stands. Nothing personal vblue. You aren't the only one I have said this to.
The way you responded to me was to sound as if you were lumping me in with the idiots that is bubba. I have never advocated the destruction of history in mushroom firearms on this forum as bubba would do. And I have seen countless post from other members in the forum of "look what bubba has done" in the same way as I did and haven't seen so much as a peep from you. In fact, I responded to a similar post not an hour ago. And I have never been so much as talked down to or criticized by anyone else on this forum but you. It was totally undeserved for you to respond to me in that manner. You jumped the gun with me and it was personal.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:29 pm
by millman
:violin: I haven't seen this check out bubba post or I would give it to them too. Give me a link.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:36 pm
by vblue42
It's a thread about an importers alteration to a milsurp for the US market. But I wouldn't wish anyone the treatment I got from you so I'll reframe from throwing them under the bus. No one deserves threats like that for a minor infraction. And just pointing to someone else's stupidity in a bubba'd form is minor and should not invoke a threat.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:40 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Vblue, I don't recall the post in question because in the course of my job here on the board I look at every post, or try to, and that is 1000's every week. If I see something like that in a forum not the one reserved for restoration or sporting rifle questions then I move it and post a warning about not putting it on the Mosin board. Please remember that the admins here as well as the older members have seen such look what Bubba did posts not hundreds of times but thousands, there isn't any Bubba you can think of that I haven't seen over and over again. It does get a bit annoying at times, and if you catch me at the wrong time with it I might not be so pleasant about it either. I understand that to newer collectors it's something they haven't seen before, and they want to shout their anger about it to the world, but a preservation board is not always the best place to do that. We do have a restoration section, this is not so much for the "look what Bubba Did" post but rather the "look what Bubba did, how can I fix it" post. The sporting rifle section is for sporting rifles, Remington 700, Sako, Mauser commercial sporter, I have noticed a few professional Bubba milsurps sneaking in there and if it continues they will start to be relocated off the board. What I will ask is that if you have an issue with any Admin over some action they have taken that you PM them about it. Please keep in mind that on that board that was mentioned earlier a post like that Bubba M44 would have gotten you banned immediately. We do have some rules, but I try not to have that sort of stick up the ass adherence to 5000 rules like some places, I don't care if you go off topic so long as it's not how to chop up a rifle talk, I don't care if you want to show off your AR15, or plastic pistol despite this being a board dedicated to antiques, I don't care if you are 14 and want to ask a question about a rifle you saw in a movie someplace. Tell a joke ( keep the filthy ones in PM's please) show us how you made a rifle rack out of scrap lumber, or post range videos, or movie videos. I am trying to avoid rigidity on this board, but at the same time I will not allow this board to become a showcase for Bubba's best work any more than is absolutely necessary, that we do not do here.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:43 pm
by millman
There is little we can do about what the importers do to these guns. But to showcase an individual bubba under any circumstance is gonna draw fire from me. I had forgotten about our little incident, but since you felt the need to call me out by name on the open forum, I am most willing to take it up again if you are. I don't want to, and am ready to forget all of this, given your "exemplary" membership. Up to you.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:47 pm
by neal45
Since we are on the Military Firearms Forum, I might add that the 7.62 forum mentioned earlier is Mosins only.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:50 pm
by vblue42
Junk Yard Dog wrote:Vblue, I don't recall the post in question because in the course of my job here on the board I look at every post, or try to, and that is 1000's every week. If I see something like that in a forum not the one reserved for restoration or sporting rifle questions then I move it and post a warning about not putting it on the Mosin board. Please remember that the admins here as well as the older members have seen such look what Bubba did posts not hundreds of times but thousands, there isn't any Bubba you can think of that I haven't seen over and over again. It does get a bit annoying at times, and if you catch me at the wrong time with it I might not be so pleasant about it either. I understand that to newer collectors it's something they haven't seen before, and they want to shout their anger about it to the world, but a preservation board is not always the best place to do that. We do have a restoration section, this is not so much for the "look what Bubba Did" post but rather the "look what Bubba did, how can I fix it" post. The sporting rifle section is for sporting rifles, Remington 700, Sako, Mauser commercial sporter, I have noticed a few professional Bubba milsurps sneaking in there and if it continues they will start to be relocated off the board. What I will ask is that if you have an issue with any Admin over some action they have taken that you PM them about it. Please keep in mind that on that board that was mentioned earlier a post like that Bubba M44 would have gotten you banned immediately. We do have some rules, but I try not to have that sort of stick up the ass adherence to 5000 rules like some places, I don't care if you go off topic so long as it's not how to chop up a rifle talk, I don't care if you want to show off your AR15, or plastic pistol despite this being a board dedicated to antiques, I don't care if you are 14 and want to ask a question about a rifle you saw in a movie someplace. Tell a joke ( keep the filthy ones in PM's please) show us how you made a rifle rack out of scrap lumber, or post range videos, or movie videos. I am trying to avoid rigidity on this board, but at the same time I will not allow this board to become a showcase for Bubba's best work any more than is absolutely necessary, that we do not do here.
See, that is the type of response I feel I should have received. Would have made all the difference. And yes, I had never seen such butchery and wanted to vent about it. As a new collector I certainly didn't consider you guys have seen this type of thing all too often and I now understand. To me I felt the response to be banned didn't justify the crime and I still don't. But enough of this now as it s off topic. I am over it now that I have been able to get my feelings out. Carry on gents.

Re: What are some VERY strict collector forums?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:51 pm
by millman
neal45 wrote:Since we are on the Military Firearms Forum, I might add that the 7.62 forum mentioned earlier is Mosins only.
Good point neal. That forum is a fine forum. They have their rules, and we have ours.