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Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:47 am
by Vati66
Hi Folks,

I'm helping a buddy of mine out with this firearms collection. Basically I am just cleaning his rifles since he hasn't touched them in over 20 years. Well he has a Finn Mosin that I would like a little help with if you all could. I'm not sure what model it is, just know it's a Finn. It's built on a 1901 Izhevsk receiver with no date on the barrel, nothing but a SY and sn #. The sight is an old style with saw tooth like notches and when flipped up it has long rang type adjustments. The stock is held on with 1 thick band that is screwed threw the wood and 1 milled block on the front with a bayonet lug on it. Under the wood line I found this. Schweiz Industries-Gesellschaft
Neuhouser. So any ideas what I have here ?

I tried to link a photo but as is normal when using SkyDrive, it didn't work. I'll post the photo to Imageshack and post it here later this afternoon


Re: Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:58 am
by zeebill
M28 with a Sig barrel, worth about $250 to $450 depending on the condition. Bill :o

Re: Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:59 am
by Lee-online
Look in the showcase for reference pictures.

Re: Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:49 am
by Vati66
Thank you guys. I'll pass that along to my friend. I'm sure after I get all the metal oiled up and wood cleaned with lemon oil, it will end up back in his safe never to see day light until I offer to take care of it again. He really does not take care of any of his guns. I offered to do this for him because it hurts me to the core knowing these firearms are not being maintained. I might be slightly OCD when it comes to this sort of thing


Re: Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:17 am
by desdem12
m28 on top and right :thumbsup:

Re: Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:30 am
by Vati66
Yep, it's a M28. Thanks

Re: Finn Rifle

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:07 am
by Ironnewt
Vati66 wrote:Thank you guys. I'll pass that along to my friend. I'm sure after I get all the metal oiled up and wood cleaned with lemon oil, it will end up back in his safe never to see day light until I offer to take care of it again. He really does not take care of any of his guns. I offered to do this for him because it hurts me to the core knowing these firearms are not being maintained. I might be slightly OCD when it comes to this sort of thing

Don't feel bad, I'm that way myself with my neighbor. He left a shotgun that he had used while goose hunting in a fleece lined case . He stored it that way and when he took it out "To use it again" he found a rust covered mess. I was able to get it in working order but the blued finish was ruined.