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Post by awalker1829 »

Thanks to some covidiots that decided to protest Covid restrictions by entering the county health department building and disrupting services there last week, the county has now restricted public access to ALL COUNTY PUBLIC OFFICES.


This is the notice posted on the door of the Superior Court building. Effective today, only employees, building tenants and members of the public having legitimate business are permitted to enter county facilities. All others are prohibited from entering and will be charged with criminal trespass.
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Post by tomaustin »

are you setup for electronic filing ?

or, electronic retrieval..?
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Post by awalker1829 »

tomaustin wrote: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:24 pm are you setup for electronic filing ?

or, electronic retrieval..?
For Criminal and most Civil cases, yes. Family Law-not yet but probably in the next year (electronic filing). Court records searches-yes. All of the court documents (excepting a few confidential document types) are scanned. That had greatly improved our ability to serve the public-if someone calls with a question about a document in a specific case, I can look it up and retrieve it in seconds.

As for electronic filing-I am the lead electronic filing clerk in the office. Aside from the IT folks, I’m the only person in the Civil or Criminal Department who knows how the actual system works and am the only person still on staff who was involved with the design and beta testing years ago. I know what the system can and can’t do. The managers and supervisors don’t know that. I’m the person they refer user questions to. I can also usually walk a user with an issue through the system, as I got a great deal of experience entering data from the user side during testing. When I’m in the office, I’m often the only person processing the electronic filings.

I deal with attorneys all the time and the ones who have gained experience using the system love it. It makes things so much more convenient and easier when the system works-which is most of the time. It used to be that you had to get your documents to the courthouse by 5PM to file. Now the courthouse is effectively open 24/7/365 for filing. As long as your pleading is in the system by midnight, it will be filed on that date regardless of when I get to processing it. The system can automatically notify you if someone files in the case and you can electronically serve other parties in the case with documents. With COVID being such a concern, it means that they can conduct most of their business from home or the office.

As for court hearings, they are almost all being conducted via teleconference or video conferencing. The Arizona Supreme Court pretty much shut down in person hearings in the courts back in March, along with suspending jury trials. For rare in person hearings, only the parties are permitted in the courtroom. The court has set up a system where the public can watch hearings in real time by video.

The County Law Library has form packets that can be downloaded from the court website or ordered and picked up at a location just outside the courthouse. Due to the limitations of the physical facility, the public are not permitted inside the law library.

All said, the Arizona courts have done a very good job at maintaining as many services as possible while insuring maximum protection for court employees and members of the public. The courts have remained open for public business the entire time and while some court employees have gotten COVID, there have been no incidents of workplace outbreaks in our courts. Everyone entering any Arizona courthouse is subjected to a mandatory wellness screening and must wear a face covering inside the courthouse. Persons exhibiting symptoms or are non compliant are prohibited from entering. Yes, a lot of normal procedures are taking longer but at least we’re doing them. In many parts, courthouses are temporarily closed.
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Post by qz2026 »

And you think that the protests caused this? :lol: And what's a Covidiot? Someone who sees through the deception? Or people who have just had enough of this nonsense?
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Post by awalker1829 »

Yes, the protest caused this. The protest happened last week and the signs did not go up until this week. The news reports reported that the protestors were protesting at the Abrams Health Center, where the county health department is headquartered. At first, the protesters were demonstrating outside the building, which was fine.

The problem began when the protesters decided to enter the building and actively interfere with the operation of the public health clinic. The right to assemble is not absolute-once the protesters began interfering with the crnter’s ability to provide critical health services, any right they had to enter and remain on the property ended under Arizona law. If they return for any purpose other than obtaining health services, they will be arrested and prosecuted.

Because of the disregard that the demonstrators have demonstrated for public safety, the county government has decided that it is necessary to restrict public access to other critical county facilities. At a meeting that will be held later today, the County Supervisors will decide whether to reduce staff levels and suspend certain services.

The county has already enacted civil penalties for failure to observe the mandatory face cover requirements and has now directed law enforcement to enforce the mandate. For individuals, the fine is $50 and for businesses, the fine is $500. If the business has an alcoholic beverage or liquor license, they will be reported to the state alcoholic beverage commission and the licenses will be suspended or revoked.
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Post by tomaustin »

who is your "in the building" law enforcement agency ?

we have a private security firm contracted to handle the entry and egress activities at the buildings....

sheriff deputies are the bailiffs in the offices and courtrooms....

local police departments cover the surrounding areas of the downtown and regular police duties of law enforcement...

in all, I expect we have 150 law enforcement personnel in the near vicinity of our legal system in the downtown area....

enhanced electronic systems are posted throughout the area.....
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Post by awalker1829 »

Our building security is provided by two agencies. Superior Court is authorized by state law to have armed Court Security Officers who are sworn law enforcement officers. They are directly employed by the Superior Court. They are backed up by a security detail provided by the Pima County Sheriff's Department. A civilian contractor provides unarmed security officers to perform security screening of members of the public who enter the building. All three organizations have the ability to communicate with each other by radio.

Outside assistance would be provided by the sheriff's department and Tucson Police Department. Doors that lead to judicial chambers are electronically locked from the control room. Only Judicial Staff have keys to those doors. All others are required to show their identification to the control room via CCTV. Other sensitive areas require proximity card access, which will log the time and user information. Most areas have CCTV coverage and all of the public service counters and courtrooms have panic alarms that are periodically tested.

Years ago, I participated in a live fire active shooter drill here. If something were to go down here, this place would be swarming with cops within minutes. Sheriff's security detail has AR-15s in the armory here-Justice Court security also has ARs in addition to a less lethal beanbag shotgun.
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Post by tomaustin »

a lot of boots on the ground..............
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Post by SA1911a1 »

qz2026 wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:23 am And you think that the protests caused this? :lol: And what's a Covidiot? Someone who sees through the deception? Or people who have just had enough of this nonsense?
Some folks just get bored of saving their and other people's lives. Others try to make a political issue out of medical issue. I play the odds, I wear a mask and wash my hands often, what have I got to lose?
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Post by qz2026 »

SA1911a1 wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:20 pm
qz2026 wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:23 am And you think that the protests caused this? :lol: And what's a Covidiot? Someone who sees through the deception? Or people who have just had enough of this nonsense?
Some folks just get bored of saving their and other people's lives. Others try to make a political issue out of medical issue. I play the odds, I wear a mask and wash my hands often, what have I got to lose?
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Post by awalker1829 »

County just enacted a mandatory curfew effective this evening-all citizens are to remain at home from 10PM to 5AM daily and shall not be in any public place (including traveling on any street or road) for any purpose. The only exceptions are essential workers traveling between work and home, caregivers traveling between their home and the home of the person they are caring for, and persons seeking medical care. The county health department has informed restaurants and bars that failure to comply with the curfew will result in their health permits being suspended or revoked. Those that have alcoholic beverage or liquor licenses will be reported to the state Alcoholic Beverage Commission so that those permits can be suspended or revoked. The county has also enacted civil penalties for failure to comply with the face covering ordinance ($50 fine per violation for individuals, $500 per violation for businesses) and directed law enforcement to enforce the code. City and county health inspectors will be out in force to enforce the ordinances.

Also, the curfew does not lift until the infection rate drops below 100 per 100,000. Right now it’s 357 per 100,000 and getting worse. The Indian Reservations are enforcing their own lockdowns. Earlier this year, the Navajo Nation began using police checkpoints and patrols. This curfew is going to last well into the new year. Governor Ducey is aware of the Pima County and City of Tucson ordinances and stated that he does not plan to interfere with them at this time.

As for a Covidiot, they’re selfish, self centered snowflakes who put their personal wants above concern for the well-being of their neighbors and community.
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Post by qz2026 »

awalker1829 wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:32 pm County just enacted a mandatory curfew effective this evening-all citizens are to remain at home from 10PM to 5AM daily and shall not be in any public place (including traveling on any street or road) for any purpose. The only exceptions are essential workers traveling between work and home, caregivers traveling between their home and the home of the person they are caring for, and persons seeking medical care. The county health department has informed restaurants and bars that failure to comply with the curfew will result in their health permits being suspended or revoked. Those that have alcoholic beverage or liquor licenses will be reported to the state Alcoholic Beverage Commission so that those permits can be suspended or revoked. The county has also enacted civil penalties for failure to comply with the face covering ordinance ($50 fine per violation for individuals, $500 per violation for businesses) and directed law enforcement to enforce the code. City and county health inspectors will be out in force to enforce the ordinances.

Also, the curfew does not lift until the infection rate drops below 100 per 100,000. Right now it’s 357 per 100,000 and getting worse. The Indian Reservations are enforcing their own lockdowns. Earlier this year, the Navajo Nation began using police checkpoints and patrols. This curfew is going to last well into the new year. Governor Ducey is aware of the Pima County and City of Tucson ordinances and stated that he does not plan to interfere with them at this time.

As for a Covidiot, they’re selfish, self centered snowflakes who put their personal wants above concern for the well-being of their neighbors and community.
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Post by hoopharted »

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Post by awalker1829 »

So far, the worst case scenario seems to be playing out. Arizona’s hospitals are almost out of bed space and are now short staffed. The state health department has now directed all Arizona hospitals to refuse all patient transfer requests from any out of state hospitals. That means that a lot of the rural hospitals here in the southwest will be stuck with critical cases that they won’t be able to care for. New Mexico was sending some of their cases here, as they have very few resources.
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Post by hoopharted »

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Post by hoopharted »

well as far as i'm concerned if it wasn't an election year we wouldn't be in this nonsense
someone brought up Natives , i am Native , not a fake native like Elizabeth Warren , i'm registered with the Bureau of Indian and Indigenous Affairs in Ottawa and carry full status , and am enrolled and a recognized member of the Mi'gmaq , i have duel citizenship
the fine self anointed woke ,all inclusive ,love everyone bigots up North in Canada are using this so called (fake) pandemic to hurt my people ,my Reserve is Listuguj Quebec which is on one side of the St Charles river , Campbellton New Brunswick on the other side of the river connected by a bridge
they have blocked passage coming into Campbellton since the so called outbreak started not allowing my people to cross the bridge to buy essentials , you know ,insignificant things such as food , they only allow passage to a hand full of residents per day and its almost a lottery to get a pass ,but in no way does this allow all Natives to stay stocked , they only do this to say they are allowing people to cross to keep the government from stepping in , they have weaponized this nonsense to inflict harm once again to those they hate , Natives
they care not that elderly and young have to ration food while theirs go to bed at night full and plump , so my people hold a protest at our side , not allowing them to cross and purchase cheap cigarettes and booze , suddenly the police decide to get involved and start arresting people , oddly enough only Natives go to jail from a peaceful protest
so Natives are deprived of food and other essentials , while whites are allowed their cheap cigarettes and beer , both require crossing the bridge , yet crossings seem to flow only in one direction
so take your alarmist nonsense, fake statistics , over reactive ,hypochondriac tripe and keep it to yourself , all you are doing is feeding into a narrative that is causing lasting damage to our rights , when i say "our rights" i mean yours, mine ,ours , all this is ,is laying the ground work for a future of a time when the country goes on lockdown every time someone farts in an elevator
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

It's one thing to be restricted from having a sitdown meal at a restaurant, or not being able to catch the latest Hollywood crap in the movie house. I bitch about no flea markets or the two phonograph shows I missed this year, not to mention car shows. However if it was a matter of being restricted from buying food, and basic survival essentials there would be bloodshed. i don't know what goes on in Canada, but that shit wouldn't fly here. Last I heard many of the reservations in or near US hotspots had closed to visitors for the duration on their own accord.
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Post by qz2026 »

The worst is yet to come and it will happen here and all countries. There will be no end to the tyranny that is coming unless you are a good little citizen and do exactly what you're told... And so far most all the citizens are good little citizens. Then, at least you will be allowed to purchase food or participate in commerce.

It's really hard to get a grip on what is happening in the Indian nations. From what I read, here in the US, the tribes are fully buying into the narrative and requiring the same restrictions that the state governments are requiring.
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Post by awalker1829 »

hoopharted wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:28 am well as far as i'm concerned if it wasn't an election year we wouldn't be in this nonsense
someone brought up Natives , i am Native , not a fake native like Elizabeth Warren , i'm registered with the Bureau of Indian and Indigenous Affairs in Ottawa and carry full status , and am enrolled and a recognized member of the Mi'gmaq , i have duel citizenship
the fine self anointed woke ,all inclusive ,love everyone bigots up North in Canada are using this so called (fake) pandemic to hurt my people ,my Reserve is Listuguj Quebec which is on one side of the St Charles river , Campbellton New Brunswick on the other side of the river connected by a bridge
they have blocked passage coming into Campbellton since the so called outbreak started not allowing my people to cross the bridge to buy essentials , you know ,insignificant things such as food , they only allow passage to a hand full of residents per day and its almost a lottery to get a pass ,but in no way does this allow all Natives to stay stocked , they only do this to say they are allowing people to cross to keep the government from stepping in , they have weaponized this nonsense to inflict harm once again to those they hate , Natives
they care not that elderly and young have to ration food while theirs go to bed at night full and plump , so my people hold a protest at our side , not allowing them to cross and purchase cheap cigarettes and booze , suddenly the police decide to get involved and start arresting people , oddly enough only Natives go to jail from a peaceful protest
so Natives are deprived of food and other essentials , while whites are allowed their cheap cigarettes and beer , both require crossing the bridge , yet crossings seem to flow only in one direction
so take your alarmist nonsense, fake statistics , over reactive ,hypochondriac tripe and keep it to yourself , all you are doing is feeding into a narrative that is causing lasting damage to our rights , when i say "our rights" i mean yours, mine ,ours , all this is ,is laying the ground work for a future of a time when the country goes on lockdown every time someone farts in an elevator
Hardly alarmist here. No one is being deprived of essentials here or any of the other states that I am aware of. Sounds like an issue with your federal government and provincial government-our state government has been providing any assistance requested by the Indian tribes here, to the extent that they are able to assist.

Jim, you are correct. Here in Arizona, all of the Indian Reservations here in Arizona have closed their borders based on the decisions of the tribal governments. They absolutely have to do whatever they can to reduce the number of cases they have, due to the poor health infrastructure that is the result of over a century of underfunding. Where police enforced curfews are in effect, it has been the tribal authorities that have imposed the restrictions. As I mentioned previously, the state and local governments are doing what they can to provide requested assistance to the tribal governments where possible.
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Post by hoopharted »

you people that perpetuate this false narrative of a deadly pandemic are to blame , those that don masks at the will of others without question are sheeple , those that repeat inflamed statistics are alarmists ,just how pissed do you think the people would be if they came out and said "oops , my bad ,not as bad as we thought , you dipshits have been sucking air through a mask for the last year and a half" , in for a penny in for a pound so everything gets attributed to covid because thats what good sheeple do , they follow blindly
the mask Nazis , had a guy in Walmart ask me wednesday "wheres your mask , i said "i bet if it was tucked up your ass behind my boot you'd know", he was so butt hurt i thought his t**t knot was going to explode and he was going to start crying ,,,,ALARMIST , perpetuating what their masters tell them
anyone who defends or buys this nonsense is to blame for our rights that will be liquidated , because all you have proven is that they can do it and you will blindly fall in line
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