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Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:32 pm
by ModelAUZI
We have a Gun show in VA this weekend. Time to get another Mosin. I want to try to find an older one this time.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:11 pm
by JayPoc
Where in Va?

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:29 pm
by Three_Dogs
They are having one near me this weekend also. Its a Machine Gun Shoot (real machine guns), Gun show, etc. Its just north of Hilham, TN :popgun:

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:04 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Good hunting :)

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:14 pm
by desdem12
Good luck at the shows. I hope they are better then the one i had last weekend. A few overpriced japs was it save for a m38. I just cot back from a shop that had more then the whole show. 4 M95s 4 different carcanos, a no1, a no4 a swede mauser and an assortment of turkish and yugo and german mausers. I had a buddy with me and he wanted a new hunting rifle. A milsurp hunter. There also was a krag that was cut and a ex dragoon that had a barrel to die for. Never seen a beter barrel on a mosin then that one. Non of these was purchased however. BUT there was 2 that were. My bud got a k31 with a new looking barrel and i brokered a deal for him of $200 and i got one for myself, A MLE16 berthier. A price that rivals the pawn shop thread going. IT was a great gun show at a local crack dealers store. :thumbsup: :lol:

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:24 am
by Junk Yard Dog
What's the deal with the Berthier? Who made it, when, any matching numbers, bore condition?

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:57 am
by bunkysdad
Desdem, you can't do that around here! You can't mention casually something about a super deal on a Berthier and not tell us more. Now get back here and complete your sentence young man.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:05 am
by Junk Yard Dog
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:43 am
by desdem12
I have no idea what you are talking about..? :vconfused: :beek:
Ok It is still at the crack dealers place but i have deal in hand. IT is in good condition and not matching i think, at least the stock is not, of course it is normal for frenchys to be not matching. The barrel is SUPER. I couldn't believe it would be that nice. It is a 5 shot conversion. Its cost is likely $100 + i will have to pay tax probly. I think that is ok in this case though. I can't seem to find any ammo for it so that is why i am in no hurry for it to come home but it will get here soon. This report will have to do for now. :pointleft: Oh ya and i think it is a st. etienne made MLE M16 carbine.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:07 pm
by ModelAUZI
Sorry Fredericksburg Va this weekend Sat and Sun $8.00 to get in.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:51 pm
by bunkysdad
Well you know Desdem, every since Junk Yard Dog posted his Youtube video the other day I have been thinking about these Berthiers, and now you are getting one too. I would love to find one too. I am going to go rummage through the pawn shop tomorrow. I am feeling lucky. Ok then I will be looking forward to you getting it soon.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:04 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
bunkysdad wrote:Well you know Desdem, every since Junk Yard Dog posted his Youtube video the other day I have been thinking about these Berthiers, and now you are getting one too. I would love to find one too. I am going to go rummage through the pawn shop tomorrow. I am feeling lucky. Ok then I will be looking forward to you getting it soon.
There is one at a gun shop out in Springtown. It ain't that cheap though. :D

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:21 pm
by desdem12
I like these and of course would love a long one BD, but this one has been calling to me for a long time and it was offered at a price i could not refuse. I checked the barrel and could not believe the condition it was in so i said i'll take it. I would like to find some ammo fro it too as JYD says these shoot great and handle great. I have seen a couple on GB and some are high and some are low. The going rate i see for these is around $300 give or take so i think i am getting a fair deal. I will get it in a couple of weeks probly. I was talking to the dealer about a 1886 and trying to get a good deal on it too but it is in his dads hands and he won't let it go. I offered a M44 for it but no go, Then i offered a Mas 36 and he said maybe. :roll: :D

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:34 pm
by Tinstar
ModelAUZI wrote:Sorry Fredericksburg Va this weekend Sat and Sun $8.00 to get in.
I normally go to that gun show since I live in Spotsy...but, I don't see many good deals. I love to look, but it's rare that I buy. Seems like most of them there know what they have and sell at above retail prices. You'd think that prices would be better at these gun shows, but I have not found that to be the case. Unless, you just happen to run into that one person who has something you want and they need some quick cash!

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:38 am
by ModelAUZI
Just 8.00 for all the gun porn you want to look at.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:52 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Eight bucks for the privilege of going in and spending thousands. This paying to get into buy something I never understood. I pay to get into a theater because I will be seeing a show not participating in it, but pay to see people who want to sell to me? There is a small flea market over in the communist state that bangs everybody $2 to get in, I was on the way in when I saw a big sign banning firearms sales, I turned right around, and it's not like the dealers do not pay for the tables. It's been years since it was worth my time to hit the shows, back then there was no cover charge, it was an attitude of please come in and let up help you spend your money, the last thing any dealer needs is to put up a roadblock in the way of that.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:52 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Eight bucks for the privilege of going in and spending thousands. This paying to get into buy something I never understood. I pay to get into a theater because I will be seeing a show not participating in it, but pay to see people who want to sell to me? There is a small flea market over in the communist state that bangs everybody $2 to get in, I was on the way in when I saw a big sign banning firearms sales, I turned right around, and it's not like the dealers do not pay for the tables. It's been years since it was worth my time to hit the shows, back then there was no cover charge, it was an attitude of please come in and let up help you spend your money, the last thing any dealer needs is to put up a roadblock in the way of that.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:16 am
by desdem12
It is a sign of the changing times. They have to pay for the hall and the insurance that is charged these days is the main problem. In the seattle area they basicly killed the biggest show there cause they required every sellar to get a small business license. Well how can any of the casusal sellars afford that and on top of that they had to pay small busness taxes on sales. That is no way to runa agun show so everybody quit. One place here wanted the sellars to have a 1,000,000 dollar insurance policy for each sellar. Now call me crazy but i believe that is out of line. This is basicly a gun friendly place too. Sad stupid tiimes. :cry:

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:04 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Screw that, it's easier and cheaper to just sell on gunbroker.

Re: Gun Show this weekend

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:42 pm
by zeebill
Yeah and that internet is basically what has killed the gun shows too. I only visit two or three close ones a year. Why on earth would anyone think that a dealer at a gunshow would sell at anything below retail? They have motel, food, gas, table rents, and may purchase something themselves paying that why would they wholesale something? The idea is to try and come home on the positive side of things not in debt. Bill :o