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Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:10 pm
by bunkysdad
Did anyone watch episode 1 tonight of Family Guns on the National Geographic Channel? I only caught the last 15 minutes but it just might b a good show. It is a reality show based on the family business of IMA, or International Military Antiques. This is the comany that has the Nepalese Gahendra rifles in original condition. I set the dvr to record it at midnight while I am sleeping.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:16 pm
by desdem12
I saw the commercial for it but thought it was on history channel, No wonder i could not find it. :lol: :oji:

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:19 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
Ya, I caught a heads up from another forum. I thought it was pretty good. Way better than the other ones that are on. I just don't get having to blow up stuff. It was just once here at least. I want to see old guns and shooting. This was pretty close to that. Will be setting the DVR since I won't remember when it comes on. :lol:

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:21 pm
by Three_Dogs
See, This is what happens when I no longer watch TV. I haven't had my TV hooked up to cable or an antenna in almost 3 years. Something decent comes along, Oh well. Maybe it will show up on You Tube.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:31 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
Three_Dogs wrote:See, This is what happens when I no longer watch TV. I haven't had my TV hooked up to cable or an antenna in almost 3 years. Something decent comes along, Oh well. Maybe it will show up on You Tube.
I don't blame you. I maybe watch stuff on 6 different channels. Of course you can't get just those. Oh and the wife couldn't survive without LifeTime. :lol: Cost a Mosin a month just for TV. I bet the whole cable/Sat stuff will be a way of the past in a few years. Dish can implode now since they took my AMC off. :D

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:40 pm
by zeebill
It will also be on twice this Friday too. Thank You IMA for making something on collectors I don't have to appologize for or recant disclaimers. The shot where the Maxim is on a pallet behind the son is almost identical to the Maxim I have and it too came fro IMA many years ago. The fellow Chris bought the two snipers from, I think his name is Kaplan always has first class and high priced guns. I almost bought a Johnson rifle from him many moons ago. When I told my then Wife how much I was going to spend she threatened to kill me and I backed out. Today that rifle would be worth more than twice what I was going to pay for it. If I had known how that marriage was going to end up I would have bought that Johnson Rifle in a minute.

Great Thanks to IMA for what was so far the best by far of the gun shows on TV! Bill

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:46 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Son we can have all these pistols today for just $300,000 :) Now that is a classic! They were some nice flinters!

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:46 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Russell, they are the outfit I bought the Gehenderas from, they bought out the Nepal hoard along with Atlanta Cutlery.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:13 am
by bunkysdad
How bout the mint Springfield and Enfield authentic sniper rifles they bought at a gunshow for 6k. Beautiful. Made me think of Zeebill.:P

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:26 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Yea, but with Bill we would never get to see them! They were nice rifles but they couldn't shoot them worth a dam.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:57 am
by zeebill
Junk Yard Dog wrote:Son we can have all these pistols today for just $300,000 :) Now that is a classic! They were some nice flinters!

Was that some wood carving or what? I would have really liked those maybe 25 years ago when I was deep into Black Powder but really now I would just enjoy seeing them and holding them and that would be it for me. The Old Man is really into those old pistols! I thoroughly enjoyed that and will rewatch it Friday when it is on twice. Bill :)

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:05 am
by zeebill
bunkysdad wrote:How bout the mint Springfield and Enfield authentic sniper rifles they bought at a gunshow for 6k. Beautiful. Made me think of Zeebill.:P

Not me anymore I don't have $6000 for them! I sure would like to have them though, pictures or none :chuckles:

Speaking of that this dang old computer is acting up again this AM. Locked up twice trying to post this. It is fine for weeks and then takes a powder and I have to go back and reboot the whole thing and start over. I was getting a virus every time I went over on Parallex Bill's site but they fixed that and then I started getting it from one particular part of Gun Boards. Man I had alarms going off all over the place and lately it had been fine but here we go again I guess. Bill :very mad:

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:36 am
by clayshooter2
bunkysdad wrote:How bout the mint Springfield and Enfield authentic sniper rifles they bought at a gunshow for 6k. Beautiful. Made me think of Zeebill.:P
See Bill! It wasn't just me that thought that might be you. :chuckles:

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:52 am
by Longcolt44
I tuned in to it by accident. I'll be tuning in to it on purpose from now on. I really liked the part where they were drooling all over those $6000.00 snipers and actually giving factual history and how mint, nice and rare they are. Then the kid said, "Let's go shoot them.". My kind of guys. Wonder what the retail on those are?

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:41 am
by bunkysdad
Talk about a contrast. On the last episode of American Guns a guy brought in a beautiful Springfield 1898 Krag. I tell you it was nice. It had belonged to his late granddad and every since he could remember his granddaddy had wanted to sporterize the gun but never did. Wyatt, the owner explained to him about the history and told him he would ruin the value, but the guy was persistent. I think they charged him 2500 bucks to kill his granddad's rifle. What they did to that Krag was nothing short of a abortion. That kind of television is not entertainment to me. It took me a week to even tell you guys about it.:cry:

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:28 pm
by dou44
loved the show and i have allways had good luck with everything i have bought from them.would love to work for them.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:39 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
You know, I don't think I saw them doing any actual work during the entire show other than set up for the gun show, and that's not work as it involves fondling guns.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:51 pm
by Tinstar
Saw it...liked it...will watch again!

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:26 pm
by target
I got my British Martini Henry from them. Loved the show and I am gonna be watching the whole season.

Re: Family Guns on Nat Geo

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:14 am
by Junk Yard Dog
target wrote:I got my British Martini Henry from them. Loved the show and I am gonna be watching the whole season.
I remember that rifle, it cleaned up real well .