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30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:15 pm
by Koada
First of all I am new to this forum and have just purchased a 91/30...I want to get some ammunition, and some extra rifle parts, that I can store for my grandchildren, who I am afraid are going to experience a shtf episode in their lifetime...I find good prices for ammunition, like the present sale at Armory, that is 60 years old or so..should I take the chance and get it or purchase (fresher) ammunition...I sure would not like it, (tho I will not be around), if it did not go bang at when needed...Heck, I am 60, and feel worn out at times...So, what say you??

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:24 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
An optimist, I like that, the Grandchildren experiencing a SHTF episode? :) Really? What makes you think it's not going to be you experiencing it right along with them?
That 60 year old ammo is corrosive primed, corrosive primers have a 100 year life span at minimum with proper storage in a cool, dry place. Some of that Soviet ammo is experiencing neck cracks and other minor irritations, but I know there is also some 70's dated stuff around as well, search around online and see if you can find the newer stuff, or bite the bullet and spend big for the Privi rounds, there is little other choice for the Mosin except handloading. Do the kids a favor, get them .22's and ten bricks of ammo each to go with that Mosin. In SHTF a big rifle is not necessary for everything.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:31 pm
by SA1911a1
Most of us here shoot the '40s ammo and I have heard few complaints. Sealed in those spam cans it stays fresh for a while.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:07 pm
by WeldonHunter
Look here That deal you mentioned is there as well as a few others for the same ammo. There's also quite a few other places that have the newer stuff and it's in sealed spam cans. Basically the same ammo but it's newer, steel core and is in a better container compared to the older zinc tins. Like the guys said all of it will last a century if you take care of it. The newer stuff will just last a few decades longer. Oh and the descriptions are clickable and take you to a page for the deal with a link to the vendors site. I personally use SGAmmo because he's in Oklahoma which is closer to me and he has flatrate shipping. I bought a crate of the newer stuff from The-Armory last year but got killed on shipping.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:08 pm
by Koada
Thanks all for the information..btw JYD...already have the .22's, replacement parts for both, and ammo (a bunch!) safely preserved and I am beginning to work on the big guns...and the Mosin with it's simple and tried design fits the bill perfectly...goal is 2+, replacement parts, and another (bunch!) of ammunition..I just hope I haven't started too late :(

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:23 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Starting now is still better than not starting at all, you can still get Mosin 91/30's for under $150 most places, and ammo by the crate shipped for under $175, see Weldons list for that.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:03 am
by tjtM38
I would recommend getting some '70's ammo in a spam can and just store it (get one of the can openers to go with it). I have had good luck with these guys: ... groupid=40

SG Ammo also has a variety of 7.62x54r.

I agree with JYD; there is no better survival weapon than a good .22 with the right ammo.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:54 am
by Koada
Thanks for the links,tjtM38..And I also agree that the .22 is the best survival rifle...I just want to have a couple of Mosins on hand with plenty of ammo to keep for the use of big game hunting and the long range capabilities in case they are needed to keep danger at bay...but, if I had to choose one, the .22 would be the weapon of choice for sure...can carry a awful lot of ammo when it is so light and small and can still get the job done most of the time...

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:05 am
by bunkysdad
This all sounds good, but I wouldn't save it all. Some nice shooting time at the range is some of my best therapy. Hey I'm 50 and I feel wore out at times too.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:57 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Just think how you will feel at 100 :)

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:08 am
by Ironnewt
Junk Yard Dog wrote:Just think how you will feel at 100 :)
So why don't you tell us ? I mean you are at LEAST that old right? :chuckles:

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:37 am
by Junk Yard Dog
I feel that old whenever it gets damp or cold, :lol:

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:00 pm
by Ironnewt
Junk Yard Dog wrote:I feel that old whenever it gets damp or cold, :lol:
I know what you mean, I have a little "Arthur" in my left ankle, both knees and some of my fingers.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:12 am
by Junk Yard Dog
My hands, mostly my right, but my left finger joints are joining the party as well. My knees, and probably other places I haven't noticed yet.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:19 pm
by dou44
i allready have more than i will proably shoot but i still like to buy it.who know's when i cannot shoot it anymore i can sell some off.i think i have 5 cases of the nagant ammo and around 8000 rounds of 8mm.any more i am lucky if i shoot 40 round's of either at the range.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:32 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
There is no such thing as too much ammo.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:52 pm
by Ironnewt
Junk Yard Dog wrote:There is no such thing as too much ammo.
truer words were never spoken.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:54 am
by Junk Yard Dog
I have more Turk 8mm coming, and I am eyeballing some more 7.62x54r, plus thinking about .303.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:52 am
by bunkysdad
These days I look for brass in x54r, 303 British, 30-40 krag, and 45acp and when I find it I am well satisfied.

Re: 30 years from now?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:55 am
by Junk Yard Dog
I keep finding and misplacing my once fired privi made .303 brass from the 1980's. Found it a couple of years ago, put it up someplace, now can't remember were, yesterday I found some of it but it was still loaded, stuff I forgot to shoot 25 years ago.