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Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:33 am
by tincansailor
Hi All
I've been lurking reading all the stuff on Mosin's. So here's how it all started.

After a long hiatus from shooting I brought my Enfield and Mauser out of semi-retirement, and started looking through the forums to see if there was any new info or tips. Noticed a lot of stuff about Mosin's - never was interested in them. However, after reading everything I could find, I got bit by Mosinitis, it creeps up on you and before you know it - BAM. Cabela had their Memorial Day sale and I picked one up for $119. It is a 1940 Izhevsk, it has matching stamped numbers (probably a force fit though, before they went to electro-pencil), good shiny bore, not counterbored, very nice. After I got the cosmo off (kept repeating to myself "Cosmoline is our friend") took her to the range and let loose with 30 rounds and was very happy. Groups at about 4 to 5 inches at 100 yards. She can probably do better but the Mark1 eyeball just isn't what it used to be! The only thing was the ugly shellac job, just gobs all over. I stripped it off with alcohol and used some BLO, it turned out nice but just wasn't right - too light. So found a recipe for russian red shellac on the web (1 part iodine to 2 parts amber shellac) and now the Babushka lady looks perfect. Ordered my spam can of Russian ammo and can't wait to have some real fun. I just hope Sir Enfield and Herr Mauser do not get jealous! Pics are attached, camera doesn't do to well on closeups.

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:37 am
by ponycarman
Nice looking rifle!

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:53 am
by Celt
So i'm have been lurking here? If so you would know how most members feel about refinishin,g these rifles? Welcome to the forum by the way. I would have loved to see that rifle in its natural state.

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:22 am
by SDH1903
Its a beautiful rifle, and welcome! Always glad to see new guys. Refinishing a historical rifle is taboo, You may inadvertently remove something un noticed and in fact the finish is part of what we use here for gauging a rifle, its best to clean it the trow on a non permanent coating of say lemon oil or butchers wax to bring out a shine without destroying history. I really hope you stay interested in the mosins there is more history on these rifles than any other-Steve,

PS it is a great hump, got the color right on, but save your talent for the Mausers

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:34 am
by desdem12
Welcome to the forum Nice 40 Izhevsk. The flaking shellac is a badge of honor the old girl had. These are rifles that have seen a battle or 2 they should look as such and that inlies the beauty. WE will forgive this transgression as long as you go buy more. :lol: Is that washington state?

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:41 am
by sjsevier
Wow it is so funny how once you know the truth about something it changes your whole outlook. When I first heard about Mosins I thought " man I cant wait to get one of those cheap guns and put it in an aftermarket stock so it looks new." Boy was I wrong, once my eyes were opened to the forum it changed everything. Now the more battle scared the better.

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:44 am
by sjsevier
These guns have such a rich history how could you ever basterdize one. Well that maybe a little harsh but you see what im getting at right?

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:14 am
by Jolly Green Chopper
I have two Chinese T53 that I thought would look nice if I just touched them up a bit,but after I looked closely I could so all the little "dings" were actually small marks in Chinese and Russian and North Korean that would have been lost had I tried to "improve" their appearance. Thank goddness I joined this forum and read about the history of MN and how important it is to save it. I had bought a cheapo synthetic stock for about $50.00 and tried it out but took it off after about 50 rounds and put the original back on. The $50.00 stock did not have the "feel" of real wood. Never thought it could make difference.JGC

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:17 am
by Celt
Funny how that works! I looked at buying a mosin nagant for almost a year. Just couldn't bring myself to do it. When I finally decided to pull the trigger and get one I was a man obsessed! Still am. I thought the same stock, cut the barrel, big scope..still under 500 dollars! What happened?....this beautiful, been around the block and back, seen it, done it rifle fell into my lap and I was in love!


Image :thumbsup:

I wouldn't change a dent or ding or peeled spot of shalack to save my hide'

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:22 am
by MarkB
Looks good man and welcome to the forum!

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:49 pm
by tincansailor
Thanks for the warm welcome!

I don't know if I should take my Mosin and go home now after some of the replies. However, there are a few things that I want to say.

1) A weapon whose stock or finish shows the patina of wear, age or battle - I agree wholeheartedly should NOT be touched.

2) This 91/30 was an arsenal refurb, Most likely disassembled, cleaned and reassembled with what ever fit and re-shellaced by some uninterested Ukranian whose quality job attests to his lack of interest. Then dipped in cosmoline and packed in a storage crate for probably 65 years before seeing the light of day. There was no patina of age wear or battle. I ask, is there a history in THIS finish?

3) This finish job was so disgusting that half of the stock cartouches were invisible and to remove the barrel bands would have created a gouge in the thick shellac the whole length of the hand guard/forestock.

4)This was no "Bubba" refinish. It was NOT removed with stripper and sanded to an inch of its life then stained with red mahogany minwax and sealed with Truoil. It WAS carefully removed with alcohol and rags over some time. Various unseen cartouches became visible and still are. The new finish was as close to the original shellac in color and application as possible.

This was a loving RESTORATION, not unlike a conservator and a piece of art.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone here. But I hope some see my point. If I could have left the finish as is I would have.

Yes, desdem12 Northwest Washington State

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:55 pm
by desdem12
You are fine Tincan. Please stick around. What part of northwest? Seattle or above? There are a few guys here from the west side. Don't take offense and hangout for a while. This place has a lot of info. Join up in some of the disscussions and you didn't offend us, we all have tough skins here!! :thumbsup: :D

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:07 pm
by tincansailor
I'll hang around as long as you guys will have me.

Desdem12 - Lynden NE of Bellingham 2-3 miles from the border

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:09 pm
by desdem12
Nice :vcool: That is right at the northwest corner for sure. I am down in Kennewick. :thumbsup:

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:51 pm
by tincansailor
Talk about being at opposite ends of the state!

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:20 pm
by TopperT
Now that you two got 'old home week' out of the way, maybe someone else can comment :chuckles: :chuckles: :chuckles:

Nice looking rifle, Welcome aboard. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:37 pm
by SA1911a1
Welcome Squid! :D I was a tin can sailor myself a long time ago. Long enough that I spent some time on a WWII vet DD. Welcome aboard.

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:26 pm
by Celt
I lived in Bellevue for three years. Drove big truck up there during the winter to. Lots of seafood loads. Beautiful state

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:04 pm
by Celt
I do disagree with your logic though. I'm sure there are people here that don't agree with mine. Welcome to the forum. Hopefully in time you will come to appreciate the history of these rifles like I do. Every one is different. You will never get two the same. Its a never ending collection! :vcool:

Re: Caught Mosinitis

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:37 pm
by tjtM38
Welcome to the forum. You have a great looking rifle. Whoever did the finish did a beautiful job. I have one, a 1932 Tula that has a finish very similar to that gun. I'm sure if someone saw it, they would think it was refinished but I haven't touched it since purchase; it is just a really nice arsenal refurb. I have a couple that are flaking shellac; I just try to put a little lemon oil on them once in a while and let 'em go. Good luck. You've come to the right place for great information.