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Does anyone have the Production Figures for the Type-53?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:45 pm
by Hobe Sound Falcon
There was once a Post on titled, Type-53 Production Fugures. I wonder if anyone has those Figures here on this Site? Execpt for the 1960 Made Type-53's, there was just over 4 Million of them Made. and less than 2 Month's of Production on the 1956 made Carbine's. Mine is just at the end of the Production Cycle. 1960 used a different style of Serial Number System. :?:

Re: Does anyone have the Production Figures for the Type-53?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:19 pm
by Darryl
I don't think you will find production numbers from China. It is the reason we can't by Chinese SKS's as a C&R. They refuse to give that information out, even to this day. So there is no way to prove the age of your Chinese SKS, so no C&R (BATF rules).

Best site on the T53 is here ... arbine.asp


Re: Does anyone have the Production Figures for the Type-53?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:37 am
by Hobe Sound Falcon
Thank you.

Re: Does anyone have the Production Figures for the Type-53?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:07 am
by Hobe Sound Falcon
New style Factory-26 Code by 1960.