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Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:40 pm
by Darryl
Well, I think California is out of it's drought.
Out of the last 11 days, we had had rain in 10 of them. Some of them very hard too. With the ground being so dry (from our drought) most of the rain is running off. We have a "flood control canal" that runs through the county. It is just behind the group of houses I am living at. It is about 200 foot wide and about 8 foot deep right now. Normally it would be about 10 foot wide and maybe a few feet deep. It is at max.

So, we go from ..... wild fires and drought to ...... flooding!
Isn't there anything in between?

I'll get a photo of the canal this afternoon when I go to the store.

good news is, all this rain turns into snow in the Sierras. That is what fills out reservoirs for us to drink and use. Oh, and the reservoirs are already full. So, when the snow melts, we may have Spring flooding. They have a balance of letting the reservoirs empty and hope there is enough snow pack to keep it going later. If they let too much water out (to prevent flooding) and the snow stops, the snow pack will be to little to fill the reservoirs back up.....drought! So, it is a game. I guess they go into the mountains and measure the snow pack to gauge how much to release. :roll:


Re: Rain!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:15 pm
by WeldonHunter
When I lived in Tracy we had a few really bad floods. Remember Rodeo the dog that was stranded on the roof of a house outside of town? Most of the surrounding area around the town and the central valley is a flood zone and the main reason it doesn't flood is the levee's. When they let loose like the one in Manteca did that one time the whole area is a mess. The house we had in Stockton on Adelbert Ave. wasn't much better. It was east Stockton, Oakie Ville is what they called because the neighborhood was at one time the descendants of Okies from the dust bowl days that came there and settled looking for work picking crops in the 1930s. That street we had the house on was a low area and only had small open drainage ditches with pipes running under the driveways for drainage. I left California in 2007 and we finally sold that house a few years back. Can't imagine what that street looks like now.

Re: Rain!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:34 pm
by Darryl
The "BIG FLOOD" of 2023!

Well, it was for my back yard! :chuckles:
I have great drainage and for it to backup like this, it had to be coming down pretty good.

Our upstairs bird feeder. If they could get more birds on this feeder (at times), it would pull off the window! LOL
Happens when it rains. The poor birds have a heck of a time out there! ;mywink;


Re: Rain!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:10 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Nice of you to feed the cat food like that, I bet the neighborhood cats appreciate that.

It's been raining here a couple days out of every week, it will rain tomorrow and probably into Friday again like last week. This time of year it should be snow, it just barely isn't by a few degrees each time. If all this rain we have been getting was snow we would be as fucked as Buffalo with that huge snow fall they got last month. Not complaining at all, not even a tiny bit, not even when I get soaked heading out to feed the cats in the morning, let it rain. I HATE moving snow, falling in snow, trying to process firewood in snow.