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Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:29 am
by jfrink23
Hello, Everyone!
I live in Connecticut, I know what a crappy state to live in as a gun owner it sucks!!!! Anyways it's a little ways away but my birthday is in February and I want to find a good gun show to go to around that time most likely in New Hampshire or Vermont as I can actually buy and carry in those states with my CT Permit, does anyone know or recommend a good one for me to check out? I have never been to a gun show before and really want to get that experience. I am thinking maybe that is where I will find my New Mosins brother haha or actually find a good deal on some 7.62x54r or something along those lines. Also, For when I do go any tips for my first time going to a gun show? :D :D :D

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:09 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Always ask the dealers permission before touching any weapon on the table, do not engage in any conversations with anyone regarding illegal full auto conversions, silencers, or any other illegal or gray area activity. Check your six in the parking area and in the mirror as you leave to be sure you didn't pick up any new friends interested in all the cool stuff they saw you buying in the show. Practice your poker face, don't light up like a neon sign when the dealer drops a number or you will end up paying that number instead of whatever deal you might have gotten if you looked only mildly interested and possibly about to stroll away. If you don't know how to work the action or safety on an unfamiliar weapon ask the dealers assistance, don't try to fake it. Faking knowledge impresses nobody in the gun world, but any knowledgeable gun owner will gladly take a teaching moment with you should you need it. Do not buy anything that is illegal in your home state and try to sneak it back. You might have no difficulty getting it home, or you might find a Connecticut state trooper or three stopping you just inside the state line. I don't know your travel plans but they will take you through Massachusetts or New York. If you get stopped in NY with a handgun they will ignore your Connecticut CCW, Massachusetts probably the same. Do not get caught in NY with an out of state CCW, they will arrest you and charge you with a list of unpleasant charges, welcome to the fuckin Empire State, first stop on your tour will be Greenhaven state penitentiary

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:52 pm
by capt14k
For that matter do not even stop in NY with gun in locked case in trunk and ammo in separate locked case in the trunk. NY does not recognize Federal Safe Passage Law otherwise known as FOPA. Man was arrested for staying overnight in NY because he was no longer traveling trough the state. NYC don't even travel through with firearm anywhere near the vehicle or your person.

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Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:29 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Out of state plates are a ticket magnet, you mind if we have a look in your vehicle son? Locals can get away with a howitzer sticking out of the trunk, out of state plates gets to have an all expenses paid tour of our state of the art county facility. That's only for one year or less offenders, the 3-5 given out for unlicensed possession of a handgun with a high capacity magazine concealed on your person will get a nice billet up at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, otherwise known as the asshole of the universe second only to Afghanistan. I hear it's very picturesque up there, especially during the ten months of winter. The Communist state, the Empire state, Taxachusetts, and whatever goes on in Rhode Island, all places that must be dealt with before getting to the Live Free or Die state. At least you will be spared the joys of Jersey on your journey.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:53 pm
by ffuries
Junk Yard Dog wrote:Out of state plates are a ticket magnet, you mind if we have a look in your vehicle son? Locals can get away with a howitzer sticking out of the trunk, out of state plates gets to have an all expenses paid tour of our state of the art county facility. That's only for one year or less offenders, the 3-5 given out for unlicensed possession of a handgun with a high capacity magazine concealed on your person will get a nice billet up at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, otherwise known as the asshole of the universe second only to Afghanistan. I hear it's very picturesque up there, especially during the ten months of winter. The Communist state, the Empire state, Taxachusetts, and whatever goes on in Rhode Island, all places that must be dealt with before getting to the Live Free or Die state. At least you will be spared the joys of Jersey on your journey.
JYD your colorful and comedic descriptions are always a source of enjoyment for me. I always look forward to reading what you have to say about /on topics. You should write travel guides, with your honesty and directness when describing places.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:24 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
So far as I know nobody voluntarily visits Dannemora, and the only travel guide anybody wants is how to get out of, or avoid the place. There's a reason we put the facility up there, only two escapes, both recent, both caught with one dead. Those dumbasses hadn't a hope in hell of getting away from that place. We kept Charlie "Lucky" Luciano up there before the Fed cut a deal and sprung him. Of course the state has other facilities for it's gun police to pack people away to, Clinton is just the worst.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:54 am
by jfrink23
Thanks so much for the replies, It kind of sucks I have to drive through all theses very restrictive states and then back to my restrictive state as well, CT doesn't let us normal tax paying citizens to own anything fun without paying ridiculous prices, I hate it! I will try to keep my composure in sight of all the cool guns and accessories haha It will be hard!

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:38 pm
by awalker1829
Junk Yard Dog wrote:So far as I know nobody voluntarily visits Dannemora, and the only travel guide anybody wants is how to get out of, or avoid the place. There's a reason we put the facility up there, only two escapes, both recent, both caught with one dead. Those dumbasses hadn't a hope in hell of getting away from that place. We kept Charlie "Lucky" Luciano up there before the Fed cut a deal and sprung him. Of course the state has other facilities for it's gun police to pack people away to, Clinton is just the worst.
Many years ago, I visited CSP Folsom while on vacation in the Sacramento area. Only reason I went was that I saw some photos from the prison's museum (many prisons do have institutional museums). The one that really caught my eye was a photo of a beautiful Gatling gun with a polished brass jacket. Went to the museum and it was worth the drive. It's in a house right outside the main gate of the old prison (former correctional officer housing) and was operated by the correctional officers association. The volunteer that day was a retired CO and he remembered when the Gatling guns were still used by the prison. The gun was set up on the proper swivel mount. He said that each guard tower had a permanent swivel mount for a Gatling (there were six guard towers I think). However, there were only three guns. Policy was to periodically move the guns to different towers and that the guns were occasionally fired. They needed to be fired in the course of routine maintenance and a periodic reminder to the inmates of what awaited them if they crossed the dead line.

Another interesting display was the log of executions. The one on display dated to the 1890s and listed the details of each inmate hung on the prison scaffold. As evidence of each execution, the noose was cut from the rope, tagged and stored. The book was displayed open in a case with two tagged nooses. The book was open to the page with the entries for the two nooses that were with it. They also had a full scale mock up of an original cell at Folsom. Makes you realize how nice today's inmates have it-slop bucket for water and a toilet, straw filled mattresses and dirt/straw floors.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:15 am
by jfrink23
Hey guys,
So I was thinking about it, seeing as I have never gone to a gun show. Can I actually purchase any fire arms being out of state? Either Handguns or Long Guns and ammo as well, or would I be SOL and pretty much a waste of my time. I plan on buying at least one firearm so I really need to know, I am in CT and want to go to a gun show in New Hampshire. Thanks!!!! :D :D

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:33 pm
by Longcolt44
Unfortunately you are going to have to check both states firearms laws. You might want to make this show a dry run to see what's available and talk to sellers. No collectable or any other firearm is worth jail time.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:48 am
by steelbuttplate
I've not been to a gun show in five yrs. I get the good deals on Gunbroker, Armslist, and local flea markets. The last big gun store I went in had a Norinco SKS tagged as Russian for $550. We have a small gun store here in town that had a Sante Fe M1a very nice for a grand. A Good deal but I don't need two. If you do any gunbroker, look at the pics carefully, decide what you want and learn what to look for, and ask questions.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:29 am
by jfrink23
Yeah, that makes sense no jail time for this guy!! haha, thanks for the help guys, I usually browse gun broker and arms list for deals maybe I will just stick to that! lol

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:01 pm
by awalker1829
I generally stick to GunBroker, Guns America and Armslist. Most gun shows here really aren't worth the bother. If it's something I'm looking for, I'm up to going anywhere in the state. Furthest I've gone so far is Prescott-about a four hour drive.

Re: Gun Shows in New England!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:26 pm
by Maine 20th
Best "gun show" in Maine is Poulins, Fairfield. Can Bid in person or by computer. God Bless America. Pro Libertate Patria