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first sniper (I hope) need help to identify

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:00 pm
by malcolmhayes51
I recently bought a PU Sniper from R.T.I, the reviews were mixed but promising. What they offered was a izhevsk pu sniper with all matching numbers.With all the fakes going around I thought I would ask for help from the experts. (you guys) :pointleft: :pointright: I'm just looking for a little info to either put my mind to ease, or a real expensive learning curve for a mistake (that with the new info, hopefully wont happen again). Just hoping to verify if its a sniper or not. Any help would be nice, with all the info online its easy to get lost. Also (afterthought) on the scope I'm worried for the lack of markings.[center][/center]

Re: first sniper (I hope) need help to identify

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:05 am
by Darryl
Tulsky sniper (from Tulsky that exports them out of Russia - not an arsenal, but a company).
Scope refurbished in 1964 by "2nd Grau Arsenal" (by the refurb mark) Ratnik could tell you more about the scope if you PM him (or he may pop up here?)
refurbished Izhevsk sniper. No scope numbers on the side of the barrel shank (it has been "scrubbed"), probably the scope was replaced at refurb?

Nice looking sniper......D 8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: first sniper (I hope) need help to identify

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:07 pm
by larry
best i can tell from the pictures the bolt is real but may be a replacement when it was refurbished. they restamped the last 4 digits of the serial number on it but didn't put the 2 letters in front like the original had. i'm not sure about the scope mount. you need to take it to a person who knows about these guns and let them inspect it to make sure what's original. it's hard to tell for sure from pictures. it doesn't have the original scope number on the barrell that has been struck out. i don't believe they would go to the trouble to grind off that number and refinish the spot. i've never seen one that has been done that way, they all have been struck out with a line that i've seen. i may be wrong but that's my observation.