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Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:37 pm
by Judi and her Mosins

Well, during this mornngs run, I kept passing signs, estate sale. I looked at the cars and people, over in the drive way I seen a Gun safe. Was bigger then the one I have now here, so I walked up to look at it. Well my luck, guy says they cannot open it they lost the numberrs $500 take it now,...(ya right on my back?). He said nothing was it it that it was locked "accidently". So no one would go in it, but they left the combo in the safe. ...Still $500.

Well I started to walk away and I hear someone ask, "what kind of rifle is that?" .....the guy said; A Russina one, full of grease! The other guy said, oh and went to look at some lamps. Well, That "Respect" thread had me fired up. I was madder then your wifes catching you with ,..."another one". I looked at the table, A box, My eyes went :big shock: the guy said its a rifle, all greased up might be really mess to clean it, Russian he says again,.... I asked him how much, he says,...$150.00 .

So, what is a girl to do, running cloths on, Hi-Point on hip, sweating, mad, hair looks like Don Kings.....I just sat on that driveway. Took my shoe off, sock off, came up with two hundred dollar bills.and my ID's. I got my fifty change paaper work. He looked at me and said; have no bags, sorry. I told him; I'll carry home as it is ,...Thank you ...Sir

by the way it was a three mile walk home. .....and I did not have to sneak it in.














So,...What am I going to do with this, caked, I mean caked full of man-repellent, exellent condition, all match from what I see. I am scared to unwrap this, will I ruin the value?. All the man repellent ( cosmoline) is as thick as tooth paste, the wood is really, I mean really nice. Cannot tell from the pictures but is the best I seen.

Now ....Judi Question Time...Good Deal ? Yes... :thumbsup: I hope so.

Should I unwrap this, of will it less the value?

Never clean one with this much cosmo, I'll smell like cosmo for a week. :brolleyes: The whole house smell now of it. But the dogs are happy.

Any Advice,.....I will not unwrap this till "The Boss" tells me true. but if ok,...then I'll take more pictures

It is a 1946 M-44 Russian All matching, look Very, Very new, ..the wood is really amazing. The blueing is great. The cosmo is just so thick.

Well, How did I do out for a run...and I did notfollow any of you guys either, did this on my own :biggrin:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:43 pm
by BubbaDX
Wow, very cool. I would be tempted to leave it wrapped up. Nice find! :thumbsup: :Drool1: :thumbsup:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:49 pm
by millman
$150 was a steal. Looks to be a new unissued M44. It will hold its value better wrapped, but I don't know If I could stand to keep it around like that.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:55 pm
by Titanium Hammer
Great deal, congrats! :thumbsup: $150 for a 46 Izhevsk M44 is about as sweet as it gets! :Drool1: See...I told you if you just kept looking and leaving no stone unturned you would find something cool! :thumbsup: About the cosmoline, it's up to you. Remove it, shoot it, and enjoy it or keep it slathered in cosmoline? It's all up to you but I agree with Bubba and Millman. I would have a tough time leaving it all wrapped up.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:00 pm
by etprescottazusa91
Yes that was good deal, in the wrap is desirable though all rifles have had the wrap opened to a point to check the serial numbers upon import, your new rifle is a really, really nice find :Drool1: :thumbsup:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:07 pm
by ffeng31
WOW !!!! Sweet find. Congrats. Personally, I would leave it as is. Put it back in the box, tuck it away in a corner and forget about it for a few years. Case in point. Several years back ,Enfield No4's were available new in the wrap. They were cheap .That same rifle , in the wrap, brings huge money now. My :2cents:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:32 pm
by WeldonHunter
All I can say is WOW! Judi, you did good. The pull to open it would be so strong I couldn't stand it but the fight in my brain to leave it as it is would be just as strong. That may just be the wrapping the importer sent it out in. Looks like maybe an earlier Century import. Real nice Judi, really really nice!!!

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:52 pm
by gurn
Wow like everyone else said. You done great girl! Looks to me to be true arsenal mummy wrap and not from importer. I remember when these came in and didn't last long. Keep it as is if you can resist. If you have a M44 you already know how they shoot. Think of this one as an investment. To quote Monk, "You'll thank me later" :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:15 pm
by shoto2758
Congrads did good..Great find.
That number RI694 is a Century number from 2009.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:25 pm
by Judi and her Mosins

I should have asked if he had more,....cause he did. I drove back there. Ask the guy if he had any more them rifles,...He told me some guy came by and gave him four hundred for the three he had after I left. :vsad: I had to ask what kind they were he said; two Russian in grease, and some old cabine with a metal stock, then said, Think guy called it a para-trooper model, .30 cal. missing the magzine thou......Ms. no refunds if thats what you trying to get at. I said , No,...any other items. He told me he that guy took all the "crap". :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :vsad:

Judi and her Mosin's .... ;mywink;

I want to keep it wrapped, but ...I want to peek at it,...who said a mummy ? This is Russian or Egyptian ?...I really think Russian, in fact I am sure of it. :pointleft:

Can I get more opinions.....Thanks guys. ...wish I had asked if he had more, trying carrry all four home would be fun for three miles.... ;mywink;

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:46 pm
by WeldonHunter
Judi and her Mosins wrote::soapbox:

I should have asked if he had more,....cause he did. I drove back there. Ask the guy if he had any more them rifles,...He told me some guy came by and gave him four hundred for the three he had after I left. :vsad: I had to ask what kind they were he said; two Russian in grease, and some old cabine with a metal stock, then said, Think guy called it a para-trooper model, .30 cal. missing the magzine thou......Ms. no refunds if thats what you trying to get at. I said , No,...any other items. He told me he that guy took all the "crap". :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :vsad:

Judi and her Mosin's .... ;mywink;

I want to keep it wrapped, but ...I want to peek at it,...who said a mummy ? This is Russian or Egyptian ?...I really think Russian, in fact I am sure of it. :pointleft:

Can I get more opinions.....Thanks guys. ...wish I had asked if he had more, trying carrry all four home would be fun for three miles.... ;mywink;

Gotta think fast on your feet when it comes to buying these days. You kind of already knew you had a gem and it slipped your mind to ask if there were others. The thing is he should have shown them to you anyway. I bet you would have bought them all. You could have taken a cab home and still been ahead of the game at those prices it sounds. Oh well at least you got that M44 and it's a good 'un!!

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:46 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
M1 carbine maybe. Agghhh there might have been the jackpot. :Drool1:
Its Russian, mummy was probably a reference to it being wrapped and preserved. Sweet find! :Drool1:
I see you were standing on your :soapbox: when you took your pics.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:47 pm
by gurn
:big shock: Rule # one, always ask what else you got. That 30 in the metal stock was most likely an Inland M1 carbine and if so would have been at least a $1500 gun. :b sad:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:55 pm
by cjsimoh
An amazing find and a great story... but who the heck goes out for a run with $200 in their sock?
Except Judi of course... :wink:
I love it! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :Drool1: :Drool1: :Drool1:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:58 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
cjsimoh wrote:An amazing find and a great story... but who the heck goes out for a run with $200 in their sock?
Except Judi of course... :wink:
I love it! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :Drool1: :Drool1: :Drool1:
I would, for the cab ride back when I got tired two blocks down the road.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:59 pm
by breckenridge

The day my better half comes home with something like that.. Yeah.

Awesome find. As the others have said, might be worth more to flip unopened, but I would be tearing it open ASAP. Good find :thumbsup:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:00 pm
by RazorBurn
You did real good! Congrats on the M44! :Drool1:

No way I could leave that one wrapped. I'd have to clean it off and let it breath and bark fire.

I'd bet my lunch money next week that was a M1 Carbine paratrooper. I've had my stroke of luck here lately with milsurps, but an M1A1 for me is the holy grail of M1 Carbines.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:04 pm
by gurn
I wonder what was in that safe..........

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:21 pm
by bunkysdad
Judy, did anyone buy the safe? Wow, I love this story. I know you have others to shoot and look at, and if you leave it wrapped up then I understand. Many will say that is what they would do. I will only tell you what I would do. I would unwrap it, clean it, shoot it, repeat, repeat, repeat, etc..... If Doing so knocked off a thousand dollars worth of value some day when I am dead, I woud not give a rip. I would get way more enjoyment out of using it, and owning it, and showing it than looking at a wad of brown paper for the rest of my life so some dips#+! Could unwrap it later.

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:32 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
bunkysdad wrote:Judy, did anyone buy the safe? Wow, I love this story. I know you have others to shoot and look at, and if you leave it wrapped up then I understand. Many will say that is what they would do. I will only tell you what I would do. I would unwrap it, clean it, shoot it, repeat, repeat, repeat, etc..... If Doing so knocked off a thousand dollars worth of value some day when I am dead, I woud not give a rip. I would get way more enjoyment out of using it, and owning it, and showing it than looking at a wad of brown paper for the rest of my life so some dips#+! Could unwrap it later.
I was all for keeping it wrapped until your last sentence. Someone else doing it after its gone.... :angry4:
Choot it Judi!