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Ammo storage

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:31 pm
by S 854
Just received two crates of 7.62x54R... three of the spam cans are still sealed (two of 'em are still in their crate)...

So, the one can of 440... what's the preferred method of storing for the 'short term'?

Keep 'em in their 20 round paper wrappers... placed in an ammo can? Seems the paper would attract moisture... maybe not...

Unwrap everything and put the loose rounds in an ammo can? Would the large loose rounds get 'damaged' during transit? I'll prolly be carryin' them in the trunk of my sidecar for the most part... not exactly a smooth ride...

Any other ideas?

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:59 pm
by BubbaDX
Put it into a 50cal ammo can with some dessicant and keep it sealed until you need to use it. You can fit 600 rounds of 7.62x54R in a 50cal ammo can if you leave them in the brown wrapper. Just stand them on their ends in the can. :thumbsup:

Edit - Forgot, I would leave the 3 unopened spam cans sealed until you need it.

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:16 pm
by bunkysdad
Yeah, that is what I do also. Every time I find a desiccant bag in a electronic item's box or whatever I save it. Toss 1 or 2 in the 50 Cal can, or 30 Cal if you like them better, and make sure your can has a deal that is in good condition. I would leave them in the paper packs.

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:55 pm
by Joeinthehills
Spam cans are good for +/- 100 years.

Ammo cans w/ a Desiccant probably 50 years remaining unopened.

How long to do you plan to live w/o opening and/or shooting it :devil2:

If I don't shoot it my children will... :angry4: :angry4:

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:34 pm
by S 854
Desiccant... hadn't thought about that...

I've got an old hearing aid dryer that could probably suck the Titanic dry... if given enough time... :wink:

I think I'll throw that in there...

Thanks for the feedback, guys...

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:50 am
by TopperT
Same here, open the :spam2: and fill the old 50 cal boxes. I painted mine and got some 7.62 x 54R decals on them. Cool to have at the range and far easier to get to the goodies...... :chuckles:

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:01 am
by S 854
Went down to the local surplus store and found a couple cans... I was lookin' at the "50's" then noticed what appeared to be a "30" that said 7.62 on the side... prolly not our 7.62 but close enough for my purposes...

I managed to shoehorn 17 of the paper packs into the little can... so I guess I'll have to take the Mosin out and blow off 100 or so shots so I don't have ammo just layin' around...

Dirty job but someone's gotta do it... :D

Now, just out of curiosity, why is the ammo stored 'vertically' (bullet facing either up or down)? I know that's the way they are in the spam can so that's the way I put them in my little can... is it necessary? I have a bulk-pack of .22lr that's just loose in the box... 'course that's rim-fire stuff... any difference?

Re: Ammo storage

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:03 am
by BubbaDX
The only reason I store it vertical is because by doing so you can put 30 packs (600 rounds) in a single 50cal can, and its a very close fit. I don't think it really matters. That is also the way they are stored in the spam cans.