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Sniper Expert
Sniper Expert
Posts: 6176
Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:33 pm
Location: Northern California

Welcome to the forums!

Post by Darryl »

Don't just blow this off and click by this!!!!

PLEASE! ......You MUST do the following 3 (simple) things,
or you will run afoul of our requirements.

If you fail to do any of these, don't bitch at us if your account is removed.
If your account has been removed (or deleted) 3 times, then you will be blocked from the forms.

:pointright: 1) You must make at least one post in the first 5 days, or your account will be deactivated. :pointleft:

Please post something relevant, and more then "I'm here". (short intros like this will get deleted)

You may re-register the same name and start over if you screw up and fail to post. But if you re-register more then 3 times, you will find that you are not allowed back on the forums with that name (the name will be blocked because this is not a game and you don't get to waste my time over and over).

:pointright: 2) First Posts Are Moderated!!! :pointleft:
You will be in the "New Users" group until you get 3 posts. Those post will be approved before anyone can see them. After the 3 posts are made (+ or -) the restrictions will be lifted.

:pointright: 3) Please Read The Rules!!!! (Don't just skip over them!!!) :pointleft:
Preservation Forum Rules:

We do not advocate or encourage altering any military surplus firearms.We are a Preservation board.

"Reversible" changes that are made are considered OK as long as they are 100% reversible and no altering of the firearm has been made.
Original parts should be kept to return the firearm to "original" later.
Items such as scout mount that removes the rear sights and adds a mount for a scout scope are considered OK as long as the items causes no permanent damage or alterations.

Replacing damaged parts to return the firearm to working condition is acceptable and should be kept to a minimum.
Swapping out parts to make the rifle "more correct" is not acceptable nor is conversation about doing it.

Drilling and tapping, refinishing of metal parts, or refinishing stocks are not considered preservation and discussing how to do this is not acceptable discussion on these forums.

Do not ask how to alter a military surplus firearm here, or post altered military surplus firearms on the Preservation Forums.
If you are thinking of altering a military surplus rifle, we don't want to hear about it here. It may be your rifle to do as you wish to it, but this is our house and we don't want them posted here.
There are other forums you can take them to.

If you have come in possession of a alter surplus rifle and you are considering
Trying to repair that damage, you may post it in the Restoration Forum or Sportster Forum .
If it is going to be left in that condition it may be shown in the Sportsters Forum .
It will be up to the Administrators to decide if it is allowed to remain or not.

No posting or discussions of reproduction snipers or re-snipered ex-snipers.
Discussions on reproductions and re-snipered sniper rifles almost always start an argument and negative discussions.
We have chosen to cut off discussion of these rifles. Please don't ask if it is OK to drill and tap anything. It's not.

Not all policies can be written down (too long and you wouldn't read them anyway).
Policies are set by the Administrators with the help of many of the long time forum members.
Not all policies are written here and if you violate any of those, an Administrator will let you know (probably in a PM).

General Rules:
1. Please treat everyone with respect
2. Please try to avoid the use of profanity
3. Try to stay on-topic. I know, just try
4. No irresponsible posts advocating illegal or unsafe practices
5. No commercial soliciting without first asking permission
6. Do not Post open auctions. Closed auctions are OK
7. No political discussion. We are not equipped to handle political arguments here. Firearms legislation may be discussed only in the "off Topic" forum, but if it takes too much of a political turn it will be removed (at the Administrators discretion).
8. Signatures (bottoms of your posts): You may not place anything in your signature that may be political, religious or anti religious, or cause problems with any other members. All signature are to be non commercial in nature unless you are an advertiser here. All signatures may be altered for any reason by the administrators and for any reason. We reserve the right to allow or dis-allow any signature and alter them without permission from anyone. Please keep them clean and appropriate.
9. This is a firearms board. We are not here to argue about other topics. If your posts or signatures or anything you do is not in line with the above rules or allowed topics, it will be removed or altered by an Administrator. And without permission to do so and at our discretion. In other words, don't cause trouble!
10. We (the Administrators) reserve the right to ask anyone to leave and/or deny access to the board any time we wish, and for any reason! We don't take this lightly. But you are in our house, please act like it.
11. We (the Administrators) reserve the right to ask anyone to leave and/or deny access to the board any time we wish, and for any reason! We don't take this lightly. But you are in our house, please act like it.
12. No religion discussions please. Casual mention is OK, but please do not try to engage in religious topics here please.

Breaking rules will have consequences. If you break the rules, we as your hosts will make a reasonable effort to correct you. We are here to discuss what we enjoy, but we all must respect the rules of these forums.
Final word on the rules and policies is that of the "Administrators".

Legal Information:

No sections, articles, photos, or information from this site may be used without the written permission of The Owner and the various site contributors. There will be no exceptions. All photos that are not credited are property of this site, the persons that submitted them, or are in the public domain. If you feel there is unauthorized use of a copyrighted photo, contact The Owner and action will be taken. We, and the site contributors and site host are not responsible for the use or application of material found on this site or its forums.

We, the site host or any site contributor shall not be held responsible for any claims resulting from loss as a result of the accuracy or authenticity or misuse of the site content or material found on the site or its forums. Any transactions between participants, subscribers or users of this site are solely the responsibility of the parties involved.

We, this site host or its sponsors shall not be held liable for any transaction between parties. Anyone advertizing or buying a federally controlled firearm as a result of using this site is responsible for complying will all or any applicable state, local or federal regulations regarding such transaction.

All Laws will be respected and adhered to at all times on these forums.

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