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This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:53 am
by rideandslidejim
Buying my wife a Heritage Rough Rider 22LR for her birthday and searching every source i can find "NOBODY" has a single round of 22LR ammo available !!!!! How parinode can people be getting !!!! The goverment is going to ban 22 ammo !!!!!! This is getting beyond crazy !!!!! :angry4: :angry4: :angry4:

Off My Soapbox Now Jim

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:21 am
by TopperT
Dick's Sporting Goods here had Winchester Black .22lr (1250 fps /40 grn) on sale for $99.00/2000 rounds in the plastic ammo cans. I picked up 5. Why would any (semi) sane individual buy up that much .22? Because other idots were cleaning out all the bulk ammo :chuckles: . Here, one cannot find ANY .223 or 9mm. N O N E!.

On Saturday I was at a Gun show. Fellow had a pallet stacked head high with crates of 7.62 x 54 r. I immediatly made a bee-line for him and paid $ 199.00 per crate. I got two. Killed the gun fund but............ I inked my name on them and set them aside with a SOLD sign. Two hours later there were the ONLY two crates left. :spam2: were going $ 120.00 each :beek: Thats $ 240.00 for 880 rounds, so clearly the crate deal was the best of a bad situation.

The current panic is stupid in so many ways......BUT.....who the hell knows whats gonna happen? Never thought things would get like they are.........I live in urban coastal Massachusetts on the RI border. Guns are FLYING off shelves, ammo is very hard to find and 7.62x54r is impossible to get. :devil2:

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:27 am
by hoshow
I am eager to get out soon and shoot all the rifles I have bought in the last few months, but I am going to be conservative with the ammo until I see the light at the end of this tunnel. I agree with you all, things are totally crazy right :big shock: :roll:

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:33 am
by TopperT
Something else.........22lr tatical semi's are VERY VERYpopular right now. Many here feel they are a doomed least in this state.

The S&W M&P15/22 is IMPOSSIBLE to get. I got one in November for $ 425.00,( today its near $600.00, )and I paid $ 24.95 for 25 round mag's ( I got two 25 round and two 10 round with it) and the 25 round magazines now sell on GB for OVER a $100 EACH!!!!!!

The new German made AK.22lr are all sold out, the Ruger 10/22 is similar. I made a hell of a deal on Friday for a TALO edition Ruger 10.22 stainless, and after, I had the rifle in hand and paid for ( $450.00 with stainless Nikon scope and rings) the shop owner told me he wished he'd asked a $100.00 more for it......PANIC. Pure and simple.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:40 am
by hoshow
Yup I am out of the buying business for a while unless I just see a deal to good to pass up. Why grossly overpay for something I don't need right now.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:47 am
by warhawk77
Not sure what happened with 22lr but your right the ammo has gone. I Saw a box of 300 with a price of $32 at the gun show Sunday felt like knocking him up side his head.

Good news I found ammo for my nagant pistol for $7 a box. Not really a steal but I didn't have any so not bad.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:59 am
by TopperT
I felt sorry for many other shooters trying to get ammo at the show I was at. Prices were high and supply low....... Maybe this will all settle down.....BUT.....will the prices go back down? I don;t think so. Crazy. Damn crazy.

BTW: Sorry...didn;t mean to talk prices like I did............but I did that to just give some reference...., I got taken on another deal we will NOT discuss :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: , but I got lucky on the Ruger and the bulk ammo. As for the M&P 15/22 I wish I had bought 10 of the things as investments :bwink: :shifty: ........Gun fund is now tapped out....until I sell some things..... :chuckles:

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:18 am
by Junk Yard Dog
It isn't just the fear of legislation that is fueling this , it seems to have triggered a Y2K style alarm, people suddenly have gotten a taste of what it will be like during the lead up to a real disaster of some epic proportion, stores cleaned out before you get there. many have realized that we are dangerously close to a possible collapse of some sort, war, economic, natural, not even during the Cold War do I recall such a level of fear out there. I fear they may be right, if you can stock up on something that you use a lot of anyway then I suggest doing so if you can.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:38 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Our store gets some in, and it goes right out, they are only getting non military stuff at the moment, all the 7.62 , .5.56, as well as the pistol rounds vanished weeks ago. I have always stocked what I use so when this shit happens I have it already and need not rush out trying to find it.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:40 am
by Junk Yard Dog
ofgg wrote:
Junk Yard Dog wrote:... many have realized that we are dangerously close to a possible collapse of some sort, war, economic, natural, not even during the Cold War do I recall such a level of fear out there. I fear they may be right, if you can stock up on something that you use a lot of anyway then I suggest doing so if you can.
I remember in the late '70s my father hoarding silver coins and talking about burying them in mason jars in the back yard. A buddy of mine and I pointed out that someone with a gun will come and take his hoard. My dad bought my rifle and my friends shotgun on the spot.

I have not thought about burying stuff in the back yard until the past few years. Disturbing stuff.
If you are going to hoard something silver and gold would be my last pick, some silver sure, it's easier to get rid of than gold, but spam or other shelf stable foods would be my pick, and ammo. We have a thread on this subject going in the OT.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:09 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Like I said, it's not the threat of a ban anymore, it may have started that way, but now it's something else. Now it's the rush itself that is feeding the gun, ammo, and gear grab, the idea that you can't wait until the last second to arm up, the stores are being cleared out and you need to get your ass in there and get yours while you can. That is what is driving this, that and fear, prople are scared shitless even if some will not admit it. They are scared of what could be the result should the economy hit rock bottom, if suddenly they find themselves alone. Aside from the Newtown killings, there is the fact that the killers mom had an AR15 and hi cap pistols, a typical soccer mom with military gear? When the **** did that start happening, it used to be die hard gun guys and shooters who went after such gear.

Dentists and stock brokers who all of a sudden are worried they could lose what they have so they rush out and clean out the gunshop, they don't believe the old liberal saw about calling the police who will protect you bullshit anymore. It's not just us gun types folks, now it's all of America we have to compeat with for guns and gear.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:18 am
by hoshow
I think .22LR selling out is a sign that the apacolypse is upon us :lol:

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:23 am
by hoshow
The last time I was in my local gunshop they were picked clean of everything except shotguns and 22 bolt actions and a bunch of sks rifles that were pretty overpriced so they were not moving. This place usually has tons of Mosins and other milsurps, but they looked like a store that had been looted :big shock: . The ammo situation is pretty good around me by the sounds of what you guys have been seeing. I just saw :spam2: on sale again last week for $89.99 and the local shop had lots of 308, 8mm, 7mm, 7.62x54, and various other calibers.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:27 am
by hoshow
I should have bought another crate of Mosin ammo, but the store with the sale is already taking down info on ammo sales in anticipation of the state wanting it later, and I don't want to do business with them for that reason. I would rather pay the extra $10 per :spam2: and get it at a shop that isn't asking for info for ammo sales yet.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:36 am
by Junk Yard Dog
I don't blame you, I wouldn't either.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:44 am
by hoshow
Some knucklehead asked me why I don't want the government to know what I have if I don't have anything to hide and I asked him if he minded showing me his grocery reciepts each week. He told me what he bought was none of my business and I said, "Exactly!"

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:54 am
by TopperT
IF.......IF......a store wanted information on ammo purchases I would balk. Show 'em my ID for purchase, ok, but give them my name and address :beek: :beek: :beek: :beek: THAT is a fear I do have. I can see (at least this GD State (MA)) doing something like that. Next up will be rationing of purchase. You want 2,000 rounds? NOT! God I so hope things don;t go THAT way..........

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:01 am
by Junk Yard Dog
What they know about they might one day look to come and take.

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:10 am
by hoshow
That is my fear as well. There are only a couple reasons I can think of that they need to know who has what;
1. To tax it more
2. To facilitate confiscation

Either way it's not anyone's business what I have :bwink:

Re: This Ammo Thing Is Crazy !!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:11 am
by TopperT
You right. Back when I was young (before fire) a box of .22lr would last me all fall. I shot single shot .22's like so many poor kids. They were cheap and available. Today we have the semi-auto tatical rifle and they can flat gobble up ammo. 2000 rounds really isn;t much considering.
BTW I have a MK III 22lr that I flat ass love. The Mk III is a great pistol. Wish they made it in .22WinMag! Now THAT would be a great side-kick :mrgreen:

Many who deleve into things deeper than I have said over and over that AMMO would become currency.............God I pray were not THERE yet.......or are WE?