Gun Control Push

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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Sonny »

Hope this video works but..
Rural ranchers/home owners are really being targeted up here and it bullshit that we can't even defend ourselfs.

It happens a lot and if firearms are used...bad guy gets probation and good guy get's jail.. :very mad:

The world has gone crazy and I don't like it. :very mad:

I'm Canadian, so sorry for my rant. :wink:
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Sonny »

If I was a rural home owner/rancher I would invest in a backhoe. :wink:
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by ksbanker »

I hope none of you live in Illinois, but if you do, act fast. They are passing some awful bills in the house already.

"House Bill 1465, passed by a vote of 64-51. It would deny law-abiding young adults under the age of 21 their Second Amendment rights by prohibiting them from possessing or purchasing commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, standard capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, and .50 BMG caliber rifles. The bill would require adults under the age of 21 to dispose of such firearms within 90 days and to dispose of standard capacity magazines over ten rounds in capacity immediately. In addition, language in the bill would prohibit out-of-state visitors from being present in Illinois for longer than 24 hours with such firearms or standard capacity magazines."

The fact that this bill actually requires the disposal of firearms by citizens who legally purchased them is detestable.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

Figures, I wonder if anyone will turn in shit to the state, or just hide it for a year or two until over 21.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Darryl »

Junk Yard Dog wrote:Figures, I wonder if anyone will turn in shit to the state, or just hide it for a year or two until over 21.
THAT .... That is what I'd do.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by M39 Shooter »

Geez, what happened to the right to KEEP and bear arms? Guess Illinois didn`t get that memo. Hope they don`t hold out hope that the supremes will uphold the second amendment. All this leaving shit up to the states has gotten out of hand. States rights yes, but all states must follow constitutional law, period. No more little fiefdoms doing what ever they feel. Only justice Thomas stood up for our rights and told the rest of them how he felt. Even our beloved savior Gorsuch sat on his hands.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by awalker1829 »

The Illinois bill is definitely unconstitutional on at least three points. Violates the Second Amendment; Fifth Amendment and Article One, Section Nine, Paragraph Three of the Constitution of the United States (no ex post facto laws). Too bad someone will have to be a test case to get these issues before a court.

It seems that if they were to attempt to use legal force to take private property from folks under 21, they’d have to do it under eminent domain-file civil lawsuits against each owner in state court and pay each party fair market value for the property being taken for a public use-“public safety” in this case. Of course, we know the Illinois state government better than that. ;mywink;
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Lavitias »

The funny thing here is one they assume people will put up with this shit. Two that people will just willingly give up their guns and that three all these gun manufactures will keep making guns for the police and military haha. I know of one that will for sure say alright fine return any and all weapons you have under lease to us that being Barrett since ya know they have a very good policy of if citizens can't buy it then the govt doesn't need it either. But that doesn't matter because no one except safe space people will support this bill.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by sheepdog »

The People's Republic of Minnesota is now going nuts. This is a bill introduced by State Rep. Linda Slocum (D). How about yearly unannounced inspections by the police. Who votes for these kooks. They must be drinking Kool Aid concentrate in her district.

This is what the Bloombergs of the world really have in store for us. ... -ban-bill/
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Rongo »

sheepdog wrote:The People's Republic of Minnesota is now going nuts. This is a bill introduced by State Rep. Linda Slocum (D). How about yearly unannounced inspections by the police. Who votes for these kooks. They must be drinking Kool Aid concentrate in her district.

This is what the Bloombergs of the world really have in store for us. ... -ban-bill/
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by ffuries »

Shit is already starting in Florida!

What is being proposed, which passed the Senate with a 20/18 vote, now it goes before the House.

Raise the age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21

Require a three-day waiting period for gun purchases, with some exceptions

Ban the sale or possession of bump fire stocks, which can make it easier for a semi-automatic weapon to function like an automatic rifle

Give law enforcement more power to seize weapons and ammunition from those deemed mentally unfit or otherwise a threat

Provide additional funding for armed school resource officers and for mental health services.


A controversial provision to arm teachers has become a key sticking point for Florida lawmakers.

A provision that requires school marshals to undergo at least 12 hours of diversity training -- an attempt to allay the concerns put forward by several members of the black caucus -- was one of just two Democratic amendments that was approved.

In our favor so far.

Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted down an amendment to ban assault and assault-style weapons, and an amendment to create a firearms registry.

At one point on Saturday, the Senate approved a two-year moratorium on the sale of AR-15-style rifles, but that amendment was brought up again for reconsideration by a Republican member and failed upon a second vote.

Another Democratic amendment that failed would have allowed local authorities to make gun regulations for their communities.

A Florida Quinnipiac poll released last week showed that 62% of Florida residents support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons and a nationwide ban on the sale of high-capacity magazines. Fifty-six percent oppose allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns on school grounds, but amendments in line with those views were voted down in the Republican-controlled chamber ... index.html ... -shooting/
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

The only thing that will possibly work to stop the copycat shit is a public execution. Televised, let the wannabee's see their hero dance at the end of a rope, tongue protruding from the mouth as the face turns blue, shit and piss running down the legs as they dance around. No nice snap, slow strangulation. The old school way worked, it removed the problem from society and didn't leave a legacy cost of keeping something of no benefit to society in a cage and feeding it for 50 years. Sometimes the innocent got it, life's tough and then you die, deal with it. Enough with the crybaby shit, people who harm others for profit or fun, or because they are bully's need to be permanently deleted from the gene pool. I would bring it all back, hangman, axe man, cat'O' nine, the stock, firing squad, Guillotine. Gang Bangers, child molesters, drug dealers, killers, the crackheads who refuse to clean up and drag us all down, execution. I beg God daily to put me in charge, I promise that I will send him crowds of new customers to be judged at the pearly gates.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Darryl »

Problem is, the people yelling the loudest right now calling for your guns are the same people who will not go along with your ideas Jim. In fact, they are actively trying to release people who are very dangerious from prisons right now. Their claim is that we need to "rehabilitate" them, not punish them. I know, I know, it's BS. But they are the same group.

In California, if you murder someone (other then a police officer), you will serve maybe 7 to 10 years. These people coming out are extremely dangerous. They can and will buy anything they want in a weapon when they get out. And your laws saying he is not allowed to possess a gun are laughed at. Your laws saying he is not allowed to conceal that firearm is laughed at. But these people just don't care. There is no "deterrent" to killing anyone anymore. And morally, these people have no conscience. It's like trying to live in a cage with a lion and you are the only one required to be unarmed.


This country (and world) is doomed if they keep on the same coarse.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

When it all comes tumbling down we hang the ones responsible for it ( if any are left) right alongside their criminal friends.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by M39 Shooter »

I think a big problem is organization, or the lack thereof on our part. Yes, we belong to the NRA and gun clubs and websites but how many of us could muster say 100 patriots and march against those who would attempt to overthrow our constitution? How many would show up armed ? Our "enemy", seems to have no problem with mobilization. They control the media , and are bankrolled by those who would love to throw us into a re education camp after of course they have disarmed us. When i swore an oath to uphold our constitution and defend it against all enemy's, foreign and Domestic i meant it. But getting others to put their necks out , i run into a brick wall. It`s either i`m nuts, the police will attack us, the media will portray us as terrorists, the NRA will protect us.... When we can muster enough resolve to leave our homes and fight for our liberty or at the least let them know that they have reached our limit then, and only then maybe things will change. Am i too extreme ? Right now , billboards are being put up across our country saying the NRA is a terrorist organization. So i guess that means our members are terrorists ?
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

I would never be part of any " organization" too many big mouths who talk too much. If I have any nasty things to do I will be doing it on my own thank you.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Brake Weight »

M39 has a valid point. Could The People actually cobble together a force decent enough to take a courthouse, federal building, small town, regional airport, etc. I highly doubt it. That would take coordination, numbers, and communications. The firepower is there. At least down south I know I could scrounge up enough firepower to get it done. Able bodies? Not so much.

Could groups of 1,2,3, or even 5-6 put the fear of God into a blockade or sieged building? Hell yes. Take it eventually? Possibly. You’d need a techie to shut down 2 way coms.

We, The People, need to coordinate and organize for the political aspect of fighting this in a civil manner. Because like JYD mentions, if you get enough people together to do something, someone is going to run their mouth or snitch or just puss out when it comes nut cutting time and cause bigger problems than if they weren’t ever involved.

Something to keep in mind is ammo supply for all of this.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by ffuries »

20 year old Oregon man sues Walmart and Dick's Sporting Goods over new gun policies! ... /398288002
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Brake Weight »

Just read that. Good for him and I hope he wins some sort of consultation prize. “They’d” do the same to us if the situation was right.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by awalker1829 »

Out west, you probably could. We have a couple of clubs in our region whose membership numbers in the hundreds, so you probably could come up with enough bodies to make a difference. Of course, out here we still have standing sheriff’s posses too.
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