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Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:47 am
by Nagant-Lover
Junk Yard Dog wrote:Looks like the one I bought back in '94, only mine had been cleaned off, then the guy dropped dead before ever shooting it and I bought it from the estate sale.
Holly cow that is a beautiful rifle! It looks brand new! :Drool1:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:42 am
by TopperT
JYD, my neighbor has one exactly like this but with Polish markings! :Drool1: :Drool1: :Drool1: While I want the rifle, :Drool1: he's a great guy so I don't wish any misfortune on him :shifty: :brolleyes: .......BUT.....I have :chuckles: left his wife several messages that should he "pop-off".......................... :chuckles: :chuckles: :chuckles: :chuckles:

Re: Look what I found !

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:09 pm
Wow what a great find!!!!

The Mosin Gods were blessing you with a super sweet gift.

If she were mine I'd degrease her and check her out.

To not would be like having a Birthday present that you could never open.

Again what a blessing you have and bravo!!!!