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Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:55 pm
by bunkysdad
If I was making this decision I would choose based on what kind of shooting places I had access to. Out in the country where I could do lots of plinking and wild shooting then perhaps the AK, and if primarily at a shouting range from a bench then more likely the AR. I don't like dealing with the long mags on the shooting bench at my range. Heck I might just flip a coin if my mood was right because they are both so much fun. We are talking about entry level rifles here so I am thinking fun shooting is the main objective.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:19 am
by A J
Either rifle is a "blast" at the range. :chuckles: If your goal is plinking and target shooting, you can't really make a bad choice regardless of which one you choose.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:33 am
by bunkysdad
Exactly, so why do I not own either one yet? Simple. I need more money, and more time. I had a chance to buy a entry level AK for 250 new in the box but couldn't scrape up the cash fast enough......then it was gone like a fart in a hurricane. That is how Judy gets some good deals. She always has a spare 500 in her shoe!

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:38 am
by BuckeyeSgt
Talking about the troops. I remember always wanting to take the AR and M60 down as much as I could. But regs stated you could only do so much. Heck nowadays maybe making a FNG build his own would be a good idea. Save the costs. The other think I hated was turning in your weapon every time you changed units. I bet if someone was issued the same weapon the entire time they would take better care of it. And not have to re-zero every time you get a different one.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:24 pm
by A J
The Army is starting to let guys transition to new units without turning in all their issued equipment (vests, helmets, sleeping bags, etc....) but weapons are a different story. Because they are sensitive items, transfer between distant units would be a logistical nightmare especially between different countries across oceans and with potential orders changes. I would have liked the same weapon my whole career, but realize it's just too difficult for a big bureaucracy to figure out.

Whenever I was issued a new weapon, it was always dirty. After spending a good deal of time cleaning it up and affixing my own sling, it became "my baby." I liked my M4 that I was issued in Iraq. It had been used previously but had a lot of character, shot well and never jammed. I liked it and if the U.S. Government offered it to me as a gift for a job well done, I would take it without hesitation. :wink:

Would I rather have an AK or VZ58? Heck yes, but my "baby" in Iraq treated me well and I can't complain.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:39 pm
by entropy
BuckeyeSgt wrote:Talking about the troops. I remember always wanting to take the AR and M60 down as much as I could. But regs stated you could only do so much.
That's why I was an Armorer with a Small Arms Repair SMOS (45B20). :biggrin:

When I was in AIT, I broke the Supply School at Ft. Jackson's record for disassembly/reassembly of the M60 in class. My reward? Holding it out at arm's length while everyone else finished theirs.

Whenever I was issued a new weapon, it was always dirty. After spending a good deal of time cleaning it up and affixing my own sling, it became "my baby." I liked my M4 that I was issued in Iraq. It had been used previously but had a lot of character, shot well and never jammed. I liked it and if the U.S. Government offered it to me as a gift for a job well done, I would take it without hesitation. :wink:
Well, heck yeah, I'd have taken my M16A1 as a gift if offered, too. And funny thing, mine never jammed after I went over it when I got to my unit. It even had a nice, smooth, light trigger when I got done. I also bought one of those 4x20 Colt scopes taht clamped onto the carry handle, just in case I were ever deployed. :wink:

I always cleaned the 'old man's' pistol for him; he knew he didn't have to worry about it then.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:21 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Ar, AK, to hell with both, I want my M14!

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:34 pm
by A J

I always cleaned the 'old man's' pistol for him; he knew he didn't have to worry about it then.[/quote]

When I was the "Old Man" I was very careful to clean my own weapon to set a good example to the troops. Sometimes I missed out on much more important stuff while focused on that weapon, but I think the trade-off in being seen by the troops cleaning your own weapon was time well spent.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:53 am
by entropy
Those troops may not have liked sitting next to you while cleaning the rifles, but you can bet they respected you for it. 8-)

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:23 pm
by A J
entropy wrote:Those troops may not have liked sitting next to you while cleaning the rifles, but you can bet they respected you for it. 8-)
Honestly, of the 4 battalion commanders, I'd say I was probably #3 in terms of competence and performance. My Brigade Commander and I were even having a conversation one day on a long drive through the California desert and I pretty much told him that. Not a bad thing since my peers were REALLY excellent officers. What I lacked in terms of skill I made up in other areas. One of them was just getting my hands dirty. Another thing was having my reserved parking space (and the CSM's) painted over so that I had to park with everybody else.

Oh... back to topic: ARs are awesome weapons but they don't move me the way an AK does. I place a much higher value on reliability than accuracy.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:49 pm
by Jolly Green Chopper
The Question of AK or AR Is an easy one for me. I like to go to the range and shoot my weapons without paying as much as the AR ammo costs VS AK ammo. I have five different types of AK's and two SKS's .I buy the 7.62X39 by the multiple case for a lot less than AR standard caliber. To be on the safe side my last purchase was 5,0000 AK
and I always keep that much 7.62X54 for my other weapons.I have at least 10,000 AK 7.62X39 in the bunker.When ammo got hard to find for my one AR I sold it and all the ammo for it . I think we will see another shortage again so keep a supply for AR ammo on hand I would buy cheap and stack deep. They made 100,000 AK's so I think AK ammo and parts will always be available. The military will get the AR supply first then if any AR is around you might get some, but demand drives the price and supply.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:21 am
by entropy
Jolly Green Chopper wrote:The Question of AK or AR Is an easy one for me. I like to go to the range and shoot my weapons without paying as much as the AR ammo costs VS AK ammo. I have five different types of AK's and two SKS's .I buy the 7.62X39 by the multiple case for a lot less than AR standard caliber. To be on the safe side my last purchase was 5,0000 AK
and I always keep that much 7.62X54 for my other weapons.I have at least 10,000 AK 7.62X39 in the bunker.When ammo got hard to find for my one AR I sold it and all the ammo for it . I think we will see another shortage again so keep a supply for AR ammo on hand I would buy cheap and stack deep. They made 100,000 AK's so I think AK ammo and parts will always be available. The military will get the AR supply first then if any AR is around you might get some, but demand drives the price and supply.

Try 75 million. 100 million if you include AK-74's, RPK's and RPK-74's.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:34 pm
by 4095fanatic
You wrote "I love the AK". I think you have your answer. Get that now, AR can come later. Buy a stripped AR lower for $50 as a hedge in case a ban comes along before you scrape up enough cash to buy both.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:58 pm
by vlvfan
Its funny...people think you should pick an AR because there will be a lot of parts and ammo available in an apocolpyse situation. Really? Just like the tons of .22 ammo out there right now after the gun ban scare from last year?
I'm a gun guy. I have multiples of AR'S and AK'S and I like both weapons. They both have their place.
Its simple, if you need a doomsday gun, the AK is the logical choice (obvious reasons listed in prior posts). If you are in everyday situations, the AR will do you just fine.
To break it down further, people complain about the lack of accuracy from AK's, but that was never their intention. They were designed to hit human sized targets at 300m. Thats what they do. The AR guys boast about their guns being tack drivers. Thats nice and all, but AR's are tempermental and require a lot of maintenance, where as AK's don't.
Its funny...AR guys are so proud of their guns and they buy the expensive gas piston AR's. They are spending big money for these piston driven guns so they can match the reilabilty of a cheap AK. In reality, the high end AK's shoot MOA's comparable to good AR's. In a price comparison, the high end AK's are a better bang for your buck.
If one has a lot of time to service their gun and there are lot of cleaning products available, the AR will suit you fine. If you picture yourself in an apocolyse scenario, go with an AK.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:42 pm
by kamakazi339
In a survival situation within the united states i would say with the AR-15. First of all it is a variant (civilian) of what the military uses so getting ammo/parts will be easier imo. Also most Americans i would believe own at least one ar-15. A lot of people like to site ease of use for the AK but ease of use goes down to the operator of the weapon. Americans, especially those who are former military will be able to use an ar far more efficiently. I for one find the ease of use for the ar to be superior. So far i havent had much range time with my AK (only 15 or so rounds today) but it takes certain tools to adjust and the ar doesnt. So im going to stick with an ar.

p.s. they dont call it barbie for men for no reason. You can mod an ar far easier.

Re: AK-47 or AR?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:32 am
by entropy
Kamakazie339, I have many, many rounds downrange with the AR. The muscle memory is there. If I have to pick one up and use it in a situation, no prob. Hell, as an Armorer, I have tons of muscle memory invested in complete dissassembly of them, too. Could do it in my sleep. (and after long FTX's, have. :wink: ) I also have the FTF/FTE/malfunction drills down pat, too. But you know what? With my AK, I don't need all that. (But yes, I do know all that for them, also. I built mine, and assisted others with building theirs.) Learning the Manual of Arms for the AK takes very little time. Yes, the AR is much more ergonomic. But if you take the time to learn the correct manual of arms for the AK, plus the few 'field expedient' shortcuts, (all of which are available on You Tube or elsewhere on the net) it's really not that much of a deficiency. As you say, it come down to the operator.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my first experience with the AR platform was an M16A1 that jammed after three rounds. In the middle of a (admittedly, blank-on-blank, no MILES system yet then) firefight, I had to pop it open, wipe down the bolt and carrier, and inside of the upper. I was just handed the weapon minutes before and spent the time between then trying to load as many mags up as possible. After that incedent was over, I did a complete teardown and removed way too much LSA. That and many later incedents of 16's malfunctioning due to lack of or improper maintenance has left me kinda jaded when it comes to DI AR's. I have yet to fire a piston AR. Perhaps they are a good compromise between the AK's reliablility and the AR's accuracy, which I see as it's only advantage. Particularly, I'd love to try a SIG M556 and an LWRC M6A1. BUt I don't have $2-3000 I can spare for either, so I'll deal with the lesser ergonomics of the AK, and train up the muscle memory with it.
Now if we're talking full auto fire, I prefer the AR platform, if it is well maintained. I've fired AK's full auto, and they suck. Too much of the mass is moving too far back and forth to allow any kind of accuracy. But I like my semi-auto AK over the AR, and I have plenty of experience with both, much more with the AR; far too much of it bad-which is why I like my AK.
(cleaning them is much simpler, too, though not necessarily needed to ensure functioning, unlike the AR.)
And if I need an AR in a SHTF/TEOTWAWKI situation? To paraphrase the SGM in We were Soldiers once, and Young " If I need an AR, there'll be plenty laying around." :wink: