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Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:46 am
by BuckeyeSgt
gurn wrote:zeebill got me thinking of something I have wondered about. I have never bought gold so I don't know how you go about selling it. Say I had bought it at 300 per and now its 1500 per how do you get that? I see these "We buy gold" places all over and they give you ?pennys? on the dollar. So how do you get what it is worth without paying a third party a cut? Also if the zombis ever come or if shtf what good would gold be? I know whoever has the guns and ammo will be king. :soapbox:
Gold and Silver would be the new currency. The paper dollar would be worthless with nothing to back it up.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:22 am
by Junk Yard Dog
gurn wrote:
Junk Yard Dog wrote:I bought 50 + firearms on silver sale profits alone.
Wow! Coins?
Yes, Morgans, and peace dollars, lets just say I did very well on them :lol:

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:36 am
by gurn
Cool, did you find them in the trunk of an old junk car? :biggrin:

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:41 am
by BuckeyeSgt
I have some silver coins that my grandmother gave me when I was born. Some from the 1880s Don't know a lot about them. Just been sitting in a box for 41 years.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:48 am
by Junk Yard Dog
gurn wrote:Cool, did you find them in the trunk of an old junk car? :biggrin:
No, I bought them when they were cheap with the intention of flipping them.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:50 am
by Junk Yard Dog
BuckeyeSgt wrote:I have some silver coins that my grandmother gave me when I was born. Some from the 1880s Don't know a lot about them. Just been sitting in a box for 41 years.
Family hairlooms , I have coins like that also, and they were not included in the sale. Post a few, I am sure we can ID them.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:13 am
by BuckeyeSgt
Here are a few. I know they are not the nicest ones. Some are kind of rough.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:42 pm
by BubbaDX
I think guns are always a good investment.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:40 pm
by Darryl
Longcolt44 wrote:Can't help here. I will never realize a profit in my lifetime as I don't collect for profit. Ask my grandkids in 40 years.
Can't realize a profit if you never sell them. You are just like me Chuck. I have the first firearm I every bought and the last....and everything in between! I have never sold a firearm. So for me to buy 5 to stick away and sell later for more......that would be just fooling myself! I fall in love and they become part of my permanent collection.



Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:44 pm
by zeebill
The ones that are in bad shape for the most part are worth the weight of the silver in them and the others I am not near my coin book and it too is a couple of years old. Some banks will buy gold and silver, almost any phone book in the yellow pages has gold and silver buyers listed, we have several around here that set up at gun shows, and most of the low ballers advertising on TV and such are buying decorative non-pure gold and pay accordingly. Bill :wink:

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:08 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
These are his family treasures, and nice relics of history, I see Morgan dollars, peace dollar, franklin half dollars, at least one very old trade ounce, walking liberty half, a buffalo five cent , Kennedy half. These are 90/10 90% silver, 10% copper, or coin silver as it's called. Worth big money? No, but the sort of coins you can hold and play with and not worry about doing real damage. They also have value as silver should the need arise.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:15 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
Thats about what I figured. Mostly for the silver value. We go through our change all the time looking. Found a lot of silver nickels at a certain spot for a long time. Then it dried up like TX in August.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:30 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Someone was spending change they found in grandpa's house without knowing what they were. I see that a lot, a quarter from 1955, and one from 1985 look the same, but 1955 is silver.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:36 pm
by BuckeyeSgt
It was always from the same place. Whoever stocked the change in the self checkout lanes didn't ever bother to look. We always used cash there and got some rolled change from them. Usually get 2-3 silver nickels a roll. Now nothing.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:39 am
by zeebill
Someone undoubtably intercepting them before they get to you. A lot people I know that work for banks around here are always hitting the pawnshop I used to work in with coin silver right before payday like clockwork. Most dealers will pay a certain percentage of the day befores closing spot prices. Those percentages will vary from dealer to dealer and you just have to shop around and see what they are paying and Oh by the way when you do this make sure you get the stuff weighed and have a price and for sure make sure you get what you gave the person back if you don't sell it. I know at least one dealer who is sort of sticky fingered and keeps his scale out of sight in the back room. Just seeing that scale out of sight should set off an alarm in your head to be extra careful! Bill :o

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:46 am
by bcposton
Buckeye check the reverse of those 1884 and 1885 Morgan dollars. If there is a "CC" mark underneath the tail feathers on either one that means they are counterfeit and should be sent to me for proper disposal! :devil2: :devil2:

Seriously though, even if that condition if they are from the Carson City mint you are looking at some serious value!

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:22 pm
by redeuce
clayshooter2 wrote:
redeuce wrote:It seems many are concentrating on amassing stockpiles of 91/30 refurbs as an investment. I don't get that. I have 20 rifles, collected slowly. 9 are Finn. Of the other 11, 3 are 91/30- a laminated 42 round izhevsk, a 32 hex Izhevsk, and a 36 Tula SCW. Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Hungarian M44. T53. M38, 91/59, 91/38. I try to diversify and have a collection that reflects the history and development of the rifles. JMO
I'm more on your page too. I bought my first two refurbs when I began collecting refurbs, and then stopped focusing on refurbs. I had previously said I would probably never buy another one, but one of my best friends is selling a 1939 Izhevsk that I personally picked out for him at RGUNS shop a few years ago along with 400 rounds of Soviet light ball for $150. I have to buy it for the ammo alone. Besides, I have shot and cleaned this gun and it is a darn good shooter.

I don't blame you on that deal. The older R Guns imports are some of the best that we're ever around. Both my '42 and '32 are Older R Guns imports and both are almost pristine. The '32 is a red letter hex and one of the nicest I've seen. I meant no disrespect to 91/30 collectors. I've just heard a few guys say they collect them because they are cheaper and they can get more. It's not a numbers game for me. Besides, at the going rate for refurbs, the cost differential isn't that great if you buy right. It seems a common laminated round 91/30 is now fetching $200. I bought a while ago a '44 Tikka 91/30 on GB for $270.

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:02 pm
by BostonMike
I don't view firearms as an investment. To me they are a hobby first, and then any appreciation is just a bonus. I've sold a few Mosins to consolidate since my space is at a premium and did make a slight profit (although with inflation not much) But to me it's a hobby first and sonething I enjoy doing for fun. Not losing money in the hobby is a bonus. (My other hobbies always result in depreciation)

I do diversify my investments, and sadly spend a lot of time on personal finance forums, 401k, Ira, stocks, metals, coins, art, etc trying to increase my passive income. Sadly, those forums are quite boring and those people have no fun at all.

I do want to purchase a WW2 1911 soon, but not as an investment. I just want one badly, although I'm sure with inflation, it will only go up in value.

Still...I won't bank on retiring on the sale of my firearms

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:32 pm
by evildog
I'm investing guns, ammo and silver and knowledge to use all three for the best value to me and my family should something bad happen. (zombies, shtf) :shock:

Re: Wise to "invest" in a few more?

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:38 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Many things I own are now worth more than I paid for them, I suppose they could be considered investments, but I never bought a one of them with that in mind. I tend to collect stuff than is inexpensive and fun, stuff that didn't seem to be attracting much attention, back in the day that was coins, watches, guns, and cars, now it's all gotten f***ed to hell by people looking to "invest". I am thinking of starting a dog shitpile collection, if the trend continues as with every other thing I have ever collected in a few years piles of shit will be in great demand and selling at high prices. On a shooting outing last year I brought along a US M1903 made in 1910, it's still original to 1910. I was asked at the time what such a rifle would cost and I said around a grand or two. " you risk something that expensive shooting?" I was only putting a few rounds through it, but that is besides the point, there are rifles I will not shoot because they are historically significant like the Hungarian PU sniper, or creepy like the Ohrdruf K98k, but I would never shelve a gun because of a pricetag.