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Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:04 am
by joe7170
Paid yesterday, so I bet mine will be on the way soon!

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:59 am
by SA1911a1
I sent in my order this morning. I can't wait to see it in the mail!

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:39 pm
by qz2026
Mines in the mail too :)

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:11 pm
by redeuce
I can't wait till someone receives a copy.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:12 am
by redeuce
I got it today!

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:49 am
by NLMosin
Is the shipping wrap all in Ukrainian?

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:11 am
by redeuce
Lotta stamps on it too.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:39 am
by BubbaDX
My copy was delivered today. What a nice book. I must say, there is quite a lot of information here. I know it's probably all out there on the interworkings of the web, but it's really nice having it in a concise book to reference. Very nice job Alexander.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:39 am
by BubbaDX
NLMosin wrote:Is the shipping wrap all in Ukrainian?
Yes, it appears so.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:59 am
by NLMosin
I got mine! The envelope's a keeper too!

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:24 am
by Junk Yard Dog
The problem is the information's not out there on the web, that's why this book was needed. Somebody had to go dig through the archives all over Russia to find it. I have my copy today also, I haven't yet had time to do more than glance at it as Saturday is a very busy day for me, but I will be reading it later cover to cover. I see a lot of hard work went into this book, just the glance already taught me some things I didn't know.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:06 am
by Ratnik
BubbaDX wrote:My copy was delivered today. What a nice book. I must say, there is quite a lot of information here. I know it's probably all out there on the interworkings of the web, but it's really nice having it in a concise book to reference. Very nice job Alexander.

If somebody read my posts at forums earlier, he can find few paragraphs in book that he already know, but generally book contains 90-95% of new information. Another important fact - it have links to archive sources. So there are no theories, only facts.
I hope that I will be able to continue research and will expand described period in next works

Information for people who paid during last few days - paid books will be shipped at Monday and Tuesday

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:15 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
An excellent reference to that period Alexander, and we can finally do more than tell new members we don't have a clue what the tiny markings on their rifles mean. Production numbers and an explanation about the rough finish on the wartime rifles in detail, we have waited decades for this information. I await the next book in the series. I haven't read it all yet, I had to go waste some time working, but will I find an explanation for the MO marking in there?

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:01 pm
by Longcolt44
I got mine today also, BUT THE LAZY POSTMAN WAS TO LAZY TO COME TO THE DOOR AND KNOCK ON IT. He just left a pretty pink slip saying he missed me. I can pick it up Monday morning on the way to work at the gun shop. Now if the customers don't bother me I can start reading it.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:20 am
by Ratnik
I suppose that that some people who will attentively read book, can decide that some aspects are described very briefly.
If I wished, I was able to made 200 or 250 pages book instead 136 page book with same amount of documented facts, just adding some comment and pictures, that can be found online. But I did not wanted to do such, this was my idea - give facts, which can be interpreted by reader.
As nice illustration to what I'm talking about can be next - today NLMosin asked me about meaning of uknown АБ-38 marking. I did not saw such marking earlier, but I supposed that it can be Artillery base #38 marking (repair depot). The same can be done by everybody who will read the book
1) Location of the marking. Repair depot marking wer located at the barrel or receiver. Page 105
2) АБ leters are part of abbreviation of ЦАБВ or АБВ, and have sence. Page 104. Digits after letter - number of repair depot. Page 104. Markings of repair depots were not standardized during war, so different depots can have different styles of markings. Page 104.
Of course, it's only theory, but it's the only way at least to suppose what this marking mean - we will never have documented confirmation for it.

Meaning of MO marking is currently not discovered, but I have strong belief that this is simply a repair depot marking.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:17 am
by BuckeyeSgt
I finally got my order in. Thanks to Ratnik for helping this technology idiot through it all. Thanks again Ratnik, can't wait to read it.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:34 am
by NLMosin
I have been reading the book all day and referring back and forth to the markings on my collection as well as other sources on the web. The book takes production information and paints a picture of how these rifles came to be. It includes decisions the government made along the way based on what was happening at the time. It creates a time line for the mosin 91/30 and M44 and gives a feel for the people who manufactured them. I personally will have to read this book again and again to get it to all sink in...for me it connects me to my collection. Thanks again sir!

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:02 am
by qz2026
I just went to the post office and got mine. I scanned the book quickly and I'm sure you will find a lot of questions answered, especially around many of the stampings, manufacturing centers, stock/refurbishment repairs and (hee, hee) a section on the уч trainers that I was speculating about in my M-44 post. I was correct :) Also came in a neat envelope from the Ukraine with a million postage stamps on it. Initial reaction? Every Mosin owner should have this book.

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:06 pm
by joe7170
I sure hope ratnik didn't have to lick all these stamps? :chuckles:

Sure hope mine arrives soon, it left the Ukraine on the 4th :biggrin:

Re: New book "M91/30 Rifles and M38/M44 Carbines in 1941-1945, Accessories and Devices"

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:12 pm
by qz2026
Here are some goodies after only reading about 10 pages...
Amazing - a can't put down book that explains a lot of what we have speculated on for so long. Some hints...

1. The real reason why production of 1941 Tula rifles were so low
2. The absolute incredible shortage of weapons Russia had to deal with just prior and for some time after the war started
3. The shocking number of lost weapons after Germany invaded.
4. The reason why and the luck Russians experienced that explains why hex receivers were used on many early war rifles. We see very few examples of these but they were produced in rather large numbers.

Mine was postmarked on 3/25 and was delivered to my PO on 4/6.

I think Alex hire pretty Ukrainian girl to lick stamp :lol: