Bubba has no respect...

"Collectors Forum" - All Mosin Nagant are discussed here. Also the Russian and "Finnish capture" SVT38 and SVT40. This is an excellent place for new Mosin owners to ask questions. We have some of the best experts here looking forward to your questions. If you post a Mosin sniper rifle here, we may or may not move it to the sniper forum.

Preservation forum, please no altered military surplus rifles or discussions on altering in this forum. No sportsters. Please read the rules at the top of each forum
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Re: Bubba has no respect...

Post by shoto2758 »

Most of us have full time jobs, and try to find and collect in what time we have outside our jobs and family time.
I for one have NO time to go on Bubba boards and try to show Bubba the error of his ways. If I had nothing better to do and enjoyed conflict/banter. Then I still would not do it.We "took sides" when we joined this forum
It takes little time for bubba to whack a military surplus rifle.
It takes a lot of our time to search for the rifles that we love.
I've got better things to do.
Do Not Think Of Winning.
Think,Rather,Of Not Losing

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Re: Bubba has no respect...

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

cupid stunt wrote:
Junk Yard Dog wrote: The aim of that board is not preservation, just like we discourage people from joining here who are into alteration over preservation, we should not in turn invade the places they call home were our outlook would not be welcome. It's a big internet, there is a board for everyone so long as Bubba stays on his own boards there is no conflict. How long could some of us keep silent on such a board before letting it be known what we thought of whatever chopped up rifle they thought was the cats pajamas that week? Would they want to hear it any more than we want to hear about chopping up milsurps here?
If joining a forum that does not have preservation on it's agenda bothers you then don't, especially if you don't care about others altering their guns. If you do care then show Bubba the error of his ways, you might get on great !

I think your idea of "no conflict" is strange. There is no need to take sides like in a war. I'm happy to talk to anyone as long as they are friendly. :)
As if I had infinite time, if there were three more of me I still would end the day with things undone, I have no time to be seeking Bubba out and trying to change his ways. If someone comes here they read the rules on the way in, so long as they abide by the rules then I have no problem with them being here Bubba or otherwise. People who come here do sometimes ask our opinion of things they have done to their pieces of history, sometimes they did so unknowing, other times they knew full well what they were up to. Most of the time they do not like to read what we think of what they did, or our reasons why. I don't much care because I read the rules on BobW's old RMNF in the first five minutes I was on the board, and I abide by them, his house, his rules, I came here because I didn't want to hear, or see the bubba crap, I can go any number of real world places if I want some extra aggravation. We are not even the most conservative of preservationist boards, there is at least one I know with tighter rules than ours when it comes to bubba stuff. Many of the members on this board are here because they don't want to be subjected to the bubba crap either, hard core collectors who have been at this since before anybody even though of an internet and a computer filled a room, if it existed at all.

There is no war here, and so long as the rules are abided by there is no conflict, we are about history and preservation, we happen not to care about rifle alteration, building the best hunting rifle from a milsurp, or similar topics. There are boards on the net for people who like those subjects, it's not my job, or intention to seek them out and browbeat them for the error of their ways. Most intelligent people when they buy something they make an effort to learn what they can about it, if they plan to make changes then a smart man wants to know if the changes will effect the firearm or it's value and they find there way here or to one of the other preservation boards. We make suggestions, but I can't make people do anything , if they choose not to listen then it's no skin off my ass, I was asked, I gave them an answer with 40 years of collecting behind it, that's pretty much all I can do. As for the people who fly right into hacking and cutting, well, if they lack the brains to do some homework then so be it, their loss is greatest, ours only when we come across what's left of whatever they ruin.

The original point I made earlier about that other board is that we do not want to know what they do, or don't do, that's their business, what happens on this board is mine. I try to keep things as the majority of the membership prefer, and that is not to see or deal with Bubba topics. I been around long enough to know I can't change the world, that stuff will go on as it always has, it will just not go on here. Most people here try and be friendly, but if someone comes along and pisses on the floor in front of them they are going to get irritated, that's only natural.
Myself, I am friendly sometimes, but I can be a cantankerous old fuck most of the rest of the time, some who know me well would say all of the time, but it takes one to know one. The more time I have to spend dealing with Bubba posts and spam, or other juvenile crap is less time I have for attempting to help people who come here with a legitimate problem with their rifle, or a question about it's history and that pisses me off. They are the reason I, and this board are here at all because I am not wasting what time I have on Bubba.
Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.
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Re: Bubba has no respect...

Post by Longcolt44 »

This subject of to bubba or not has no place on this forum. We are a preservation form and you agreed to support our policies when you signed up. Any member that has in mind to argue the merits of changing a piece of history to improve it in some manner by drilling holes or welding additional parts on or painting it camo or polyurethane has no respect to history and should find a forum that fits their ideas. If anybody would like to discuss this further is welcome to PM me. If you do insist on pushing bubba by arguing on this open forum just may get a 2 week vacation to help you decide to adhere to our policies.
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Re: Bubba has no respect...

Post by Capybara »

Wow, looking at that made me queasy. Just like cars, some guys just HAVE to tinker and unfortunately, because of the low cost, Mosins are almost always the victim. In a way, I admire his wanting to improve his gun but as a Mosin lover, it is just sad to see a nice Mosin destroyed.
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Re: Bubba has no respect...

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

You don't want to see the things I have seen people do to cars. Some people have the skill to do anything to a car, most do not, sometimes I have to stare in wonder that somehow they survived some of the things done. At least now after so many years the tide is turning, now people have come to appreciate cars that are in original condition, and are not so fast to restore as in years past. The cars with original patina are attracting the most attention at the shows, and the auctions.
Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.
Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.
Theodore Roosevelt
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