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Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:18 am
by Junk Yard Dog
The Finns never wasted good parts that they could reuse.

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:25 am
I took a measurement before work on front sight and its as close to 1"as my old eyes can see. Not sure on the 1.5 0 will check later later today. Pretty sure it does have it. Will take it apart tonight and get more pictures.

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:28 am
by Junk Yard Dog
It's an M39, don't get to worked up, Pat Burns and Co have been dealing M39's for years and they know they very well.

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:55 pm
by zeebill
3/8 inch is the magic number for a 28/30, one inch is the number for an M39. When Burns started out buying all the leftover M39's he knew nothing about M39's and he had to hire certain well known experts. They showed John the ropes and were supposed to be paid for it. With John now gone that would leave the sons and mother and would hope he imparted some of his now new learned knowledge. I have no idea whether they were good learners or not.

If the 1.5 is on the top blade of the rear sight it is a newer M39 blade if not and you find only the 2 on there to start it out you have an older M28/30 sight complete set on your M39. Kind of cool to say the least and something they should have noted and charged more for in my mind. Very nice early M39 with leftover 28/30 parts and not easy to find. Is there a Sako marking on the rear sight base? How about a different serial number from the rifle on there? You did very well finding that rifle even if it is an M39! Congrats again! Bill :D

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:57 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Better hope they don't read that and charge more to the next guy Bill, it's not our job to educate dealers.

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:02 pm
by zeebill
How many times have you read my post saying that? Bill :lol:

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:05 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
Reminding you about it, will do it again later if I hear you crying about how some dealer charged you more because some M39 you wanted had a M28/30 sight base :)

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:08 pm
by zeebill
Got one or two already so you won't hear me! I was just pointing out what Burns missed. Bill :lol:

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:14 pm
by zeebill
Read Carbines where are they? and you will see one dealer who knows what to read and how to offer great rifles at a reasonable price. His choices of what to buy and sell shows his knowledge of the market and what we as collectors want. He reads the boards regularly and has a lot of choice comments when he posts showing that knowledge. Plus he is a certified Gun Nut and has the great fortune to make his living at what he enjoys! Dang some guys have all the luck! He He! :lol: Bill

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:19 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
What in hell are you going on about Bill, Mr Clause has asked us to remain quiet about his serious milsurp addiction, Santa's a cool guy, why you doing him like that? Bag of coal for you this year. :lol:

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:25 pm
by zeebill
His Beard is not white! At least it wasn't the last time I laid eyes on him? Are you trying to say he's getting old? Careful or I'll be sharing my coal with you! I hope everyone gets a bag of coal this year the mines around WV need you guys to buy more they are really hurting from OB's policies. Most of them are shut down and trying to recoup their losses. :cry: Bill

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:28 pm
Ok guys did not mean to stir the pot :oops: Anyway I wanted the rifle for the low serial # and the straight stock. I got that and its in good shape and Im happy. :thumbsup: I am sure its one inch on the front sight, the front sight does have the Sako mark but I could not find it on the rear sight base :vsad: It does have the 1.5 sight on the blade. Has a couple Remington marks on the bolt, and couple more Im not sure of. Pictures will be later tomorrow if interested, but sure its nothing outstanding. JYD I knew that the folks knew what they had and I was figuring it was just a normal 41 straight stock. But I had to have it anyway :thumbsup: I did find 1/2 marked inside the stock well right beside where the magazine is inserted? Pinned in insert in the rear but no insert in the front of the stock. Bill you taught me alot on these and I am glad for that, as this will not be my last for sure and Thanks for that. Would some of these questions be better off going PM to the M39 experts next time??

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:31 pm
by Junk Yard Dog
No need, you can ask questions here :)

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:44 pm
by Darryl
Just take a look at the stock. It is clearly a M39 stock. The barrel band is towards the middle, not to the rear of the handguard. That makes it a M39. That is what I look at first.


Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:44 pm
One more question, tang has 99r with T over it, does that mean 1899 receiver made by Tula?

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:45 pm
by Darryl
NCMN wrote:One more question, tang has 99r with T over it, does that mean 1899 receiver made by Tula?

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:47 pm
Thanks, was not sure on that either

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:49 pm
by Darryl
Does it look like this?


That is really not a T, it is a hammer which is the mark for Tula arsenal.


Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:50 pm
by zeebill
Cool Beans! I like that rifle. What you are saying more than likely means they grabbed a 28/30 base from parts and used the newer blade in the rear older base. My guess is the fact that the rear base has no Sako marks or serials is it was just an older part they grabbed and used to make the M39 and get it where it was needed.

Funny thing about this little variation was when I sort of realized I didn't have one of these I negotiated a trade with a fellow collector who had one for something I had he needed. After I got the thing I suddenly realized I now had two of them! :oops:

This is a forum questions of any kind (for the most part) are meant to be asked here. The only catch is you may get a couple of different answers at times. With a little fact exchanging we figure out what we want to think is the right answer. Then ten years later with a bunch of new facts are unearthed we find out we were all out in left field! :chuckles: :chuckles:
That is just part of life and the way you learn about things! Life Goes On! Congrats on a Great Rifle and I sure hope it shoots well for you. Everyone says shoot heavy ball in these but us blindbats seem to think light ball works just fine too. With the great ammo panic in full swing it may come down to what you have or can find. Bill :wink:

Re: First M39 is here

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:52 pm
dolk wrote:Does it look like this?


That is really not a T, it is a hammer which is the mark for Tula arsenal.

Thats it exactly, I took a picture but cant load it tonight due to camera issues.