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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

hoopharted wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:42 am you people that perpetuate this false narrative of a deadly pandemic are to blame , those that don masks at the will of others without question are sheeple , those that repeat inflamed statistics are alarmists ,just how pissed do you think the people would be if they came out and said "oops , my bad ,not as bad as we thought , you dipshits have been sucking air through a mask for the last year and a half" , in for a penny in for a pound so everything gets attributed to covid because thats what good sheeple do , they follow blindly
the mask Nazis , had a guy in Walmart ask me wednesday "wheres your mask , i said "i bet if it was tucked up your ass behind my boot you'd know", he was so butt hurt i thought his t**t knot was going to explode and he was going to start crying ,,,,ALARMIST , perpetuating what their masters tell them
anyone who defends or buys this nonsense is to blame for our rights that will be liquidated , because all you have proven is that they can do it and you will blindly fall in line
I'm not a Doctor, and I don't politicize disease like the fucking politicians. What do I know about Covid? Now 8 people ( that's a lot for me as I am not known as a social butterfly) I know well have had the disease and suffered badly, two came very close to passing on. Maybe 20 others got sick who I don't know well, occasional customers, that sort of thing at least three that I know of passed away. I have stayed bunkered down since last winter, and mostly work alone so a mask is rarely necessary. Unlike some I understand that a mask is no guarantee against Covid, it's more of a sneeze guard to protect others, especially the cheap masks most use. I have N95's, real ones from 3M, only because my business often involves dealing with toxic dust of one kind or another, they are about as good as a civilian mask will get. Real protection from infectious disease involves an environmental suit with self contained air, or respirator covering the full face. Medical personnel are trained not to touch their faces, constant hand washing with real antibacterial soap, and still it hasn't protected many of them, for the rest of us isolation works best. I never was much for being around the public anyway. I may not be an infectious disease expert, far from it, but before all this I did read up on the subject, most of my family survived the 1918-1920 pandemic so the subject was of interest to me. I don't take medical advice from politicians, or their flunkies', I do take it from others who survived. Their advice was very simple, stay away from people, places people congregate, and don't get sick.

I can't speak for what happened in other places, only what happened here in my own town. New York state was a hot zone early on, I am 55 miles north of the city, people work there and live here, they brought the disease home with them. When the local county hospital reached capacity they set up a tent hospital in the parking lot. Seeing tent hospitals springing up in your own small town is more terrifying than I can describe. Hearing about body's having to be stored in trailers because the morgues ran out of room down in the city. That didn't come from the press, that came from a friend who works at one of the big hospitals who got sick and recovered after a month long struggle. I have no idea what the rest of the world is like with this, but early on things got bad here, what I heard was first hand accounts from people I personally know who experienced it, and what I have seen myself. What I will remember are the sirens from the ambulances that seemed to go on day and night, we are on the main road to the hospital, they go right by us. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, I could give a fuck what other people do, I am not going to be out in public to see it either way until this shit is over. My county has had just under 4000 cases so far, and 66 have died, not much compared to New York City, but a lot for a small county with no city's.
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Post by SA1911a1 »

hoopharted wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:42 am you people that perpetuate this false narrative of a deadly pandemic are to blame , those that don masks at the will of others without question are sheeple , those that repeat inflamed statistics are alarmists ,just how pissed do you think the people would be if they came out and said "oops , my bad ,not as bad as we thought , you dipshits have been sucking air through a mask for the last year and a half" , in for a penny in for a pound so everything gets attributed to covid because thats what good sheeple do , they follow blindly
the mask Nazis , had a guy in Walmart ask me wednesday "wheres your mask , i said "i bet if it was tucked up your ass behind my boot you'd know", he was so butt hurt i thought his t**t knot was going to explode and he was going to start crying ,,,,ALARMIST , perpetuating what their masters tell them
anyone who defends or buys this nonsense is to blame for our rights that will be liquidated , because all you have proven is that they can do it and you will blindly fall in line
You are full of shit. You are talking politics, take it somewhere else.
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Post by tomaustin »

hoopharted, a fair question would be...did you leave Walmart?
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Post by boltaction »

Hey, Mr, Hoo
As, another has stated, take it somewhere else. Your attitude isn't welcomed. There are other soap boxes for that.
Maybe back too the M14 forum; where you have 297 post in just 2 months.... Mostly, stupid question about firearms and their laws, for a long time owner?.(JMO). I think, the Boss had you pegged from your first post, here?. I know, I did.
But, I already saw your posts on the other site... Your shit doesn't add up. You're full of shit, go back too Canada.
Oh, and thanks for your service. But, you are about the whitest looking Native American(cracker jack), I've ever seen. Well, next to that old lady with glasses... :chuckles:
Yet, I could be wrong...
But: Don't take it personal, I just, don't like some people. It's a free country...
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Post by qz2026 »

Wow... I'd say not a good representative for those who believe this is all staged. But, I suppose that there must be fools on both sides of any issue. Give me the facts man, not emotion or ignorance...
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

qz2026 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:20 am Wow... I'd say not a good representative for those who believe this is all staged. But, I suppose that there must be fools on both sides of any issue. Give me the facts man, not emotion or ignorance...
Haven't paid much attention to what happens outside of here, don't give a fuck about the politics. Like always I assume the press and politicians are lying out their ass as they always do. I know the disease is real because people I know suffered badly from it. In the words of one, so bad that you wish death would just take you and be done with it, they wanted to put him on a machine but he refused. Figured why prolong the suffering, to his surprise he lived anyway. Survival first, then think back on what happened and why it happened later, because there is nothing I can do right now except try and survive. Staying isolated as possible, no problem, I hate being out among the public anyway, you never know when one of them will go crazy and start shooting the place up. Mask wearing might give me a 1% better chance of avoiding the disease, OK, I'll take it, not that I am out in public needing a mask anyway. One thing I have figured out, the public are filthy bastards full of disease. Since bunkering down I have not had so much as a mild case of the sniffles in almost a year, and that's never happened over that time period in my entire life. I tend two or three colds a year until now. I see the politicians are getting the vaccine shots, the rest of us might have a shot at that in a year or two. They make it sound like they are doing a great public service " testing" the vaccine, like fuck they are, it's been tested already, I know because I know one of the volly's who it was tested on. Never mind the politics shit, I don't want to hear about it, or see it here. We can talk about it ten years from now when we have a better picture of what happened and why it happened, assuming we survive the now of course.
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Post by AMCHornet »

Like every single gosh darn thing in this rotten century...

One third of Americans think it's real while one third of Americans think it's fake while one third of Americans rotate on their thumbs not caring. Then everybody ends up hating each other, nothing that should be done actually gets done, resulting in stagnation that leads to economic collapse, scores of people dying preventable deaths, civil war, or any combination of the above. All of which we deserve if we behave like a bunch of paranoid scared little babies.

If you don't all learn to stop hating each other, you will burn this once great country to the ground in the name of your so-called patriotism and you will deserve it. You will destroy everything that every previous generation of Americans fought to keep. You'd rather burn everything to the ground than see the other party in control because you fear the other party that much.

And it is fear. It's not patriotism and it's not bravery, it's fear. You fear what the other party will do to you, your family, your lifestyle, and your liberty if they were in charge, so you fight. You fight EVERYTHING they say or do because it's fight or flight for you. Fear becomes hate and hate becomes death for everybody, most of all for Uncle Sam. stop it.


I wear my mask most of the time. The way I see it: lower risk of getting a virus that will make me miserable for a week (or worse) is worth the inconvenience. It should help prevent cold and flu, too. Sounds ok to me. It's not my problem if other people want to take their chances though. Just don't come crying to me if you catch a bad case of it after making such a fuss about it being a faked plot to steal your freedom.
I'm just here for the free coffee mug and tee shirt. :vcool:
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Post by qz2026 »

AMCHornet wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:32 am Like every single gosh darn thing in this rotten century...

One third of Americans think it's real while one third of Americans think it's fake while one third of Americans rotate on their thumbs not caring. Then everybody ends up hating each other, nothing that should be done actually gets done, resulting in stagnation that leads to economic collapse, scores of people dying preventable deaths, civil war, or any combination of the above. All of which we deserve if we behave like a bunch of paranoid scared little babies.

If you don't all learn to stop hating each other, you will burn this once great country to the ground in the name of your so-called patriotism and you will deserve it. You will destroy everything that every previous generation of Americans fought to keep. You'd rather burn everything to the ground than see the other party in control because you fear the other party that much.

And it is fear. It's not patriotism and it's not bravery, it's fear. You fear what the other party will do to you, your family, your lifestyle, and your liberty if they were in charge, so you fight. You fight EVERYTHING they say or do because it's fight or flight for you. Fear becomes hate and hate becomes death for everybody, most of all for Uncle Sam. stop it.


I wear my mask most of the time. The way I see it: lower risk of getting a virus that will make me miserable for a week (or worse) is worth the inconvenience. It should help prevent cold and flu, too. Sounds ok to me. It's not my problem if other people want to take their chances though. Just don't come crying to me if you catch a bad case of it after making such a fuss about it being a faked plot to steal your freedom.
The problem is that the haters are the ones who allow this to be done to them. They hate everyone who questions the knowledge they received watching the news. They hate anyone who reuses the shackles they have allowed on themselves.. They hate anyone, regardless of evidence contrary to what has been planted in their minds. To me, this is approaching religious zeal.. I even see the hate in you based on your last sentence. And "hate" is a very strong word, yet it is liberally thrown around and normally directed to those who dissent. But, this is what I am seeing. i see everyone discussing this here, with the exception of a few, a remnant, (usually the case) as being overcome with fear. And if anyone says, "but, what about this or what about that?", this person is quickly attacked, demeaned and de-legitimized. Yet those being attacked are the only ones who have researched everything that is going on and have for decades and are not surprised at what they see. We should all be accustomed to that here. A dissenting opinion is quick squashed. As I have said, squashed based on emotions not facts. A famous person once said that the truth will set you free. And..., my people die for lack of knowledge. I know one thing, I am not a hater. I cannot hate anyone with the exception of the Devil himself. I can only shake my head and be perplexed at what I am seeing and hearing. I was a Marketing Major in college. And, I was shocked and in disbelief at what I was being taught in Consumer Behavior classes back in the early 70's. But, I see now that they were absolutely correct. The masses can be convinced to do, feel and behave in any way desired. And we see now, the result of at least a century of planning, indoctrination, programming, and execution by those who truly rule this world. But, this doesn't spawn hatred from me, only sadness for so many that have been deceived over so many decades. And really, all of this was prophesied to happen... There are a few of us who can say we understand fully what is happening now. And we are the ones who pray daily that eyes are opened. There is no hate in our hearts only in those who are deceived. Yet, it's all coming down as it was written. The persecutions have begun and only a few people understand and see it. The remainder are the persecutors yet they know it not. For all here, who do you see when you look in the mirror? Persecutor or persecuted? We, who understand the truth will consider ourselves successful if only a fraction of a percent of the people listen and open their eyes. And we understand that the odds are against us. And, we know exactly what the response will be.
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

Who watches the news? How quaint. Politicians of all stripes, news outlets, internet pundits, they all lie out their ass and are self serving as always. Covid didn't create this, it's always been that way, except the internet part, that's more recent. Take medical advice from your Doctors, your paying them for it after all, and then there's that dozen years of med school thing they have to back up their opinions, as well as years, or even decades of experience dealing with the sick. Political puke yells on TV that there's some horrible disease coming to cancel my ass I yawn, and turn off the TV. My Doctor warns me that this disease is real and to watch my ass, you can take it to the fucking bank that I will listen. The political shit will be sorted out decades from now when archives are opened and all the principal participants are dead. No point screaming and hollering about it, none of us are part of the ruling élite, our opinions count for shit with them. We are just the deplorables the ones at the top don't give a fuck about until they want our vote, then they tell us whatever we want to hear. In the meantime I will reiterate, I don't want to hear anymore about the politics of disease, or any other politics, we all will just have to wait it out.

Who is being attacked, demeaned and de-legitimized? Mr. Hoo was already taken to task by Steve when he strayed into politics. I thought my blanket statement about no politics was pretty all encompassing, as well as the board rules themselves. I don't want to hear any side, I have had it up to here with politics ( holding hand over top of head) Want to talk about the Covid related shit happening in your town? No problem, we all have some storys to tell there, but lets leave out the politics. I want to hear about what we have experienced during all this. My own life even without contracting the disease will never be the same. Being that I'm older you aren't likely to find me in Bar's or hanging out at the discotheque . My social life revolved around gun shows, car shows and swap meets, and my flea markets, junk shops, tag sales, antique phonograph shows. Most of this hasn't survived, shows closed for good, shops empty, the life I had in 2019 is over, never coming back. The why's and how's don't really matter now because it's done. I have found that I have worked my way down my reading list , I now have time to enjoy some of the larger cigars, the two hour smokes. I had time to prepare 12 cord of wood for the wood stove, and I spend more time in front of said stove now. The cat and I hang out more, and I seem to be collecting jars of honey. Were once I lurked around flea markets I now lurk on eBay, I see some flavorful looking honey from some corner of the country and I just have to try it. In years past I had the bad habit of buying Victrolas like Steve buys clocks, but instead of fixing them I stuck them away for when I had more time. Well, since March 2020 to now I have fixed and sold more than 20 of them, instead of putting the money back into my flea market fund for guns and more Victrola's I use it for things like new gloves, a pair of shoes, a book, all bought online of course.
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Post by qz2026 »

I get it.... :P
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

Should have kept my fucking mouth shut about everyone I know who had Covid living, that changed now. Man I known 35 years, good friend of the Old Man, and long time customer is dead of the Covid. Heavy equipment mechanic and salesman, small side business dealing cars, he retired, was in the early stages of Alzheimer's. He bunkered down like the rest of us, but it was the doctors appointments that did him in, one of them gave him Covid. Had to be as he never left the house and had no visitors, wife didn't have it. It took him down hard, I hear one more shitbag say it was a blessing because of the Alzheimer's and I will shoot someone in the face. This was no heart attack while sleeping, he died with pain and fear choking to death while his lungs filled with fluid. He was a boomer, low 70's, he may have had a few years or longer left with the Alzheimer's . Hundreds knew and liked him yet his funeral was a few close family separated in a room in front of a sealed box, no wake. Alzheimer's kills hard too, but a blessing is a morphine overdose, or a bullet in the head, quick, you don't see it coming, it isn't weeks of suffering while still having enough of your mind left to know what was happening. This happened weeks ago, and we are only hearing about it now as his son is going through the rolodex letting people know, there was nothing in the papers. Now I wonder who else is dead who's gone dark during this pandemic that we haven't noticed yet. I could pick out a dozen assholes in this town I would love to see gone, yet it's the good ones that I actually liked who go. Moral of the story, watch your ass with this shit, we might be nearing the home stretch, but it can still kill you.
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Post by ffuries »

Do I like and want to wear a mask everytime I have to leave the house....? Hell no. Will I....? Hell yes.

I have several neighbors and local friends that have contracted Covid, then throw in former co-workers, and old friends strewn out among the world so I know a lot of people who have gotten it. Know a few that died due to complications associated with it.

I have a compromised immune system, this shit WILL put me on my ass and most likely in the ground if I get it. This past weekend was the first time I've been out in public, except for doctor's appointments and some quick Christmas shopping, But even for the Christmas shopping my son went into most of the stores for me.
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Post by SA1911a1 »

hoopharted wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:42 am you people that perpetuate this false narrative of a deadly pandemic are to blame , those that don masks at the will of others without question are sheeple , those that repeat inflamed statistics are alarmists ,just how pissed do you think the people would be if they came out and said "oops , my bad ,not as bad as we thought , you dipshits have been sucking air through a mask for the last year and a half" , in for a penny in for a pound so everything gets attributed to covid because thats what good sheeple do , they follow blindly
the mask Nazis , had a guy in Walmart ask me wednesday "wheres your mask , i said "i bet if it was tucked up your ass behind my boot you'd know", he was so butt hurt i thought his t**t knot was going to explode and he was going to start crying ,,,,ALARMIST , perpetuating what their masters tell them
anyone who defends or buys this nonsense is to blame for our rights that will be liquidated , because all you have proven is that they can do it and you will blindly fall in line
I wear a mask when I am in public because I want to wear a mask. I am a good citizen and I want to protect those from my potential infection. I hope others do the same because their masks properly worn are what protect me. By the end of the weekend, 400,000 Americans will be dead from the virus. It is not a political issue as some want to make it, it is a medical issue. Denial that there is a problem is just a failure to accept facts. Why should you be so up in arms about other people wearing masks? How the hell does that hurt you? You are far too angry over this issue, you should step back, take a deep breath and get back on your meds.

You should spread your narrative to the families of the dead. You should have to go do some 80 hour weeks in an ICU. You call me a dipshit, because I wear a mask. As far as I am concerned, you are a goddamn fool. And by the way, you need to work on your writing skills, the way you wrote that garbage, indicates just how ignorant you really are.

There are plenty of places to spread you toxic message. The strength of this forum is that people can have a place of calm in the face of the political storm to share our passion for our hobbies. This is a gun collector forum, not Parler. Take it over there.

“The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people.”― Stephen Hawking.
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

The phone rang today with very bad news for the second time in two days, another friend has died. We called him Maverick Fred because back in the 70's and 80's he had the whole family in Ford Mavericks, he loved those cars. When we had a Maverick roll in here he was our first call until the early 90's when the cars got so rusty they had to come off the road. Fred fell out of bed a couple weeks ago and busted his hip, stupid fucking accident, just bad luck. He was hospitalized and needed surgery, someplace in the hospital he picked up Covid, and this morning he died. Almost a full year hiding in the house to avoid the sickness, in the final stretch to a vaccine that he would have been able to get in another week or two, and instead he dies from the fucking Chinese virus. Phone rings a hour later, it's the lady who runs the office that handles our environmental compliance reporting. Seems one of the field guys went out of state on vacation, came home and didn't bother with the 14 day home quarantine, he infected the entire office staff, she unknowingly brought it home and infected her entire family. The call was to let us know that she would be unavailable for an unknown period of time and a number to call to another branch office if we needed anything. That situation is playing out as I type, she has older family members infected because of one thoughtless cocksucker who decided the rules didn't apply to him. I don't know about the rest of you, but if my family members died because of someone like that he would be gone if the disease didn't take me. I am developing a noticeable flinch whenever the phone rings now, because it's been pretty much all bad news every fucking call for two days straight.
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Post by ffuries »

Junk Yard Dog wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:11 pm The phone rang today with very bad news for the second time in two days, another friend has died. We called him Maverick Fred because back in the 70's and 80's he had the whole family in Ford Mavericks, he loved those cars. When we had a Maverick roll in here he was our first call until the early 90's when the cars got so rusty they had to come off the road. Fred fell out of bed a couple weeks ago and busted his hip, stupid fucking accident, just bad luck. He was hospitalized and needed surgery, someplace in the hospital he picked up Covid, and this morning he died. Almost a full year hiding in the house to avoid the sickness, in the final stretch to a vaccine that he would have been able to get in another week or two, and instead he dies from the fucking Chinese virus. Phone rings a hour later, it's the lady who runs the office that handles our environmental compliance reporting. Seems one of the field guys went out of state on vacation, came home and didn't bother with the 14 day home quarantine, he infected the entire office staff, she unknowingly brought it home and infected her entire family. The call was to let us know that she would be unavailable for an unknown period of time and a number to call to another branch office if we needed anything. That situation is playing out as I type, she has older family members infected because of one thoughtless cocksucker who decided the rules didn't apply to him. I don't know about the rest of you, but if my family members died because of someone like that he would be gone if the disease didn't take me. I am developing a noticeable flinch whenever the phone rings now, because it's been pretty much all bad news every fucking call for two days straight.
My Son In Law's mom caught it from a coworker she shares an office with. She's not practicing social distancing and or doing the quarantine thing. She hangs out with husband, goes and has dinner with her parents several times a week. Basically exposing everyone.

So me, being the ass I am, don't want anyone that has been near her around here. So my SIL has to keep away from his family, or run the risk of him, our daughter and granddaughter getting it, and bringing it into our house.

These are strange and trying times we are living in. Everyone stay safe, stay healthy, and be careful.
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

The infected will social distance, and wear a mask when looking down the barrel of my .45. Deliberately exposing others to the disease is an unforgivable offence.
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Post by awalker1829 »

Whenever I go out in public, I wear a mask. Our newly elected county attorney has had to close her entire office down for at least two weeks due to a MAJOR workplace outbreak there. Everyone there is now working from home as a result of that. Our presiding judge has been continually reminding court employees of the need to keep following the guidelines. A couple of court departments have had outbreaks but so far those have been contained-no spread to other departments, yet.

I haven’t gotten the virus yet and I’m going to do my best to keep it that way. I have General Anxiety Disorder and cannot afford to take chances getting sick. Our county has vaccinated all of the 1A group and is now starting to vaccinate the 1Ba group. I’m in the 1Bb group. Court administration says the county will start vaccinating us sometime in February. When the county opened the appointments to the 1Ba group, all twenty thousand appointments available were filled in two hours. When my turn comes, I will get the vaccine.
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

The whole damn world has Generalized Anxiety Disorder right along with you these days. Sometimes, no, most of the time now I feel I am living in a crappy Hollywood horror/end of the world B grade movie that will last longer than a 70's PBS TV miniseries. In fact it seems to have no end at all. UK variant Covid? Really? Normal Covid wasn't bad enough? This is the part of the movie were they find out the serial killer is really a vampire who can't be killed even with garlic.
Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.
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Post by boltaction »

Hey, Boss
Try the silver bullets...
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Post by Junk Yard Dog »

boltaction wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:15 am Hey, Boss
Try the silver bullets...
That works on the wolfman, not Dracula.
Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.
Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.
Theodore Roosevelt
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