Gun Control Push

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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Darryl »

One thing for sure. They (the media) will never stop "reporting" every detail of an event like this. Nor the name of the person and everything about his entire life from the time he was born. They don't want too. It is how they make their money and is how the anti gun groups get their attention that they desperately need to push their political agenda. So, with the two in league with each other, it will always be covered.

It would be good if both sides got together and figured out just one thing they could do (together) on this subject. But neither side trust the other (with good reasons sometimes).

So, we keep on doing the same old thing......nothing. Till one side or the other has enough power in DC to force their way. That is how we do things these days. That is not changing and it will get worse.

If we do anything, we should be reviewing our "methods".

1) The FBI was given this guys name twice from different people that he was going to be a problem. Once the did nothing with the info, the second time they failed to pass the info along?

2) The school security guard sat outside the building for 4 of the 6 minutes while the gunman was shooting and never entered or tried to do anything?

3) The school knew enough of the this kid to tell their teachers "don't let him on campus with a back pack on". How about don't let him on campus ever because he is too old to be there (19) and had no business there. Call the police and ban him and call the FBI for God's sake.

4) The kid had run ins with the police dozens of times before this event. The police did nothing and should have called the FBI on this guy.

5) He should have never been allowed to purchase a firearm at that point. But no, blame it on the guns and all the legal law abiding gun owners. That is lazy work on all of these peoples part. They got these kids killed. Hard to believe, but if you look at all the screw ups and failures, what else is there to say. Any one of the above was followed through with and MAYBE this never happened.

Fix these things FIRST!

They have a new thing out that can help them with this. I's called a COMPUTER. It can hold all of this type of information and "flag" names. Make it available to the people who sell firearms. Add those who have sever mental illness. Make a procedure that people can get off that list (due justice) if the situation changes. Keep it up to date (priority).

Start there.

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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Rowdy1 »

What is missing from the discussion is the fact that the Left wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment. If we start with that truth then maybe we can talk. Many of those same people don’t like the 1st Amendment either.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Darryl »

Rowdy1 wrote:What is missing from the discussion is the fact that the Left wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment. If we start with that truth then maybe we can talk. Many of those same people don’t like the 1st Amendment either.
This is their ultimate goal. But they are really a small portion of this society. They are loud and know how to take advantage of a situation like this Florida shooting . This is the big fear of all gun owners who are law abiding citizens. Problem is, this is also mirrored in the NRA. I know, I'm a member too. But neither side will give an inch, then we will remain exactly where we are. There is no "trust" on either of those two sides. They refuse to trust the other side or give. But we see this all the time. It called partizan politics. It is our government now.

You old guys (like me) can remember when both sides would give a little. Neither side got exactly what they wanted but........ they got together and it did good for the country. Today it's "not an inch" and the people who suffer is you and I. It's why they can't even begin to solve the simple problems in this shooting. Even the ones they both agree on.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by steelbuttplate »

Even if AR-15's were completely taken off the market, it would make little difference. There are too many in circulation, and if they grabbed all them, A shooter could do much the same with 40's- 50's era semi-auto rifles or other weapons. Two pistols would do lots of damage inside a school. Especially if they get to do all their shooting unopposed. :2cents:
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by entropy »

....and that's the crux of the matter. Israel stopped terrorist attacks on their schools by making them hard targets. they put armed teachers and administrators in the schools. The attacks stopped. The gutless things that do this do it knowing there'll be no resistance, literally like shooting fish in a barrel. The barrel has to start shooting back.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by M39 Shooter »

Well, the coward from broward as the school deputy is known by now is in police protection. Seems people want to lynch him. Same thing happened at that pulse nightclub in Orlando. Off duty cop sees hadji coming and takes off from his post. As the paper put it the next day, he retreated to a safe place to await back up while 49 people were butchered.Oh, turns out those people who took the school shooter in may have forgotten that the cops were called on him in November on an agg. assault w/ a firearm and threatening to kill .When they were on tv they said he followed the rules to a t. Seems the Broward sheriff forgot about that too until Dana Loesch brought it up at that hit job of a town hall meeting. Before the meeting he grabs the bully pulpit to trash gun owners, the NRA, gun laws but seems to forget they had this bastard on an arrestable offense in November of last year . I can`t wait to see this bullshit artist either fired or forced to resign. I hope everyone was able to see our Presidents speech at the cpac today.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by awalker1829 »

One of the issues of computerized records is information security. I’ve seen the requirements that the FBI has for computer systems that have electronic access to the NCIC and III databases. The level of encryption and security protocol is such that most government agencies do not have the resources to utilize computerized records.

As a government employee who is authorized to receive criminal history records from the FBI and our state police, I can tell you this-I am very limited as to how I can share information with other agencies that are authorized by statute to receive information from my agency. We are not permitted to use computers as our agencies do not have the resources to provide the level of security mandated by the FBI. We cannot use telephone or fax as we must guarantee absolute secrecy. Failure to do so would result in unauthorized dissemination which has civil and criminal liabilities attached.

When I transfer the report to the judge to review, I have to walk it to his office and can only hand the file to a person that I know has statutory authority to receive the information. I log the time it is transferred and the time it is received back by me. The time the reports are destroyed is also logged so that we can trace the chain of custody of the reports if information is discovered to have been disseminated improperly. The employee involved will be in very serious trouble if they intentionally violated policy as they may be referred to the state attorneys office for criminal prosecution or the United States Attorney.

Many agencies do not have policies in place to provide for that level of security. We have secure records units and only those of us authorized to access them have the keys. We have restricted copies of our policies for staff only and redacted versions for the public. Setting up the policies and protocols is very time consuming-I was the person who had to do all that for my agency. If anyone seriously wants to spread the network out, it’s going to cost money-a lot of it which many agencies can’t spare.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by RazorBurn »

Thought I would post a link to this poll on MSNBC. ... ed-weapons

If you're not a member of the NRA, SAF, or GOA there's not a better time to join than now. Contact your local, state, and federal representatives and tell them how you feel about the issues.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Darryl »

RazorBurn wrote:Thought I would post a link to this poll on MSNBC. ... ed-weapons

If you're not a member of the NRA, SAF, or GOA there's not a better time to join than now. Contact your local, state, and federal representatives and tell them how you feel about the issues.
MSNBC? What possible value could a poll put up by MSNBC be? None.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by ffuries »

Oh shit boys they're going to come after our hunting knives now, meaning bayonets won't be far behind. ... s-say.html
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by M39 Shooter »

An ancient proverb says; What you don`t fight for, you don`t keep.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by RazorBurn »

dolk wrote:
RazorBurn wrote:Thought I would post a link to this poll on MSNBC. ... ed-weapons

If you're not a member of the NRA, SAF, or GOA there's not a better time to join than now. Contact your local, state, and federal representatives and tell them how you feel about the issues.
MSNBC? What possible value could a poll put up by MSNBC be? None.
Personally I'd like to see us gun owners blow their poll out of the water myself.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

Problem is I don't believe anything these people say, I have lost all respect and trust for all the major news media outlets. They are all lying to us and twisting truth to favor their backers political views. Polls, how the hell am I supposed to trust that they are not just making this shit up?
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Fledge »

I don't believe any of these polls. Remember Trump was supposed to loose by a landslide in the 2016 election. I saw a poll saying his approval rating was 48% on one website, and the same day on CNN it says he is at 35% :lol: I just ignore it, but I agree they anti-gunners are making a big push this time around.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Lotema »

The MSNBC poll is just an echo chamber. I saw another poll last week from a Tennessee TV station asking whether people supported an Assault Rifle ban and the response was ~90% against the ban with over 50k people responding. Well, over 50k responses anyhow. Their poll wasn't identifying individual contributors so I may have voted a dozen times or so... I tend to think most folks in the 2A world just don't respond to public polls, especially phone-polls. Hopefully we continue to strongly vote in the elections where it actually matters.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Longcolt44 »

Check out this Newsmax poll I ran across today.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by WeldonHunter »

Junk Yard Dog wrote:They can blow me, I am tired of listening to their bullshit when we all know very well more legislation will not solve the problem of a broken society. If you are going to take away the rights of 18-21 year olds then remove their right to serve in the military as well. They are proposing we treat 18-21 year olds as children, and we do not send children to die for the country. Or make military service the gateway to full legal adult status. You serve then you become a full citizen at 18, drink, smoke, vote, buy handguns and rifles, full auto, whatever. None of this will solve school shootings or any of the other fucked up shit we see happening over and over.
Holy crap Jim this was exactly what I was just going to post. If they insist on taking this path, military personal active or honorably discharged under 21 should be exempt. First of all the problem isn't kids deciding to go buy firearms and shoot places up first and foremost. It's like the bump stock shooting. It was used once so we're going to ban them? Same goes for this shooting in Florida. This kid under the age of 21 is the exception not the rule. They're proposing fixes for problems that aren't there. Same goes for the AR15. They might be used in some of these shootings but not all and statistically are not the firearm used to murder people on the whole, that would be handguns by double digit percentage points. I guess they'll get to those later. They're going after ARs to strike while the iron is hot so to speak. The deadliest school shooting was the Virginia Tech shooting, 32 dead and he used 2 handguns, a Glock 19 and a Walther P22. That actually rivals the Port Arthur, Tasmania shooting which was 35 dead. The deadliest school attack was actually the Bath, Michigan bombing with 44 dead in 1927, no firearm used. Would have been more but he screwed up some of the detonators in a section of the building.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

The eventual aim of the left is total disarmament of the people, that is always the aim of a fascist. Most in power would breath easier knowing their constituents couldn't employ arms against them no matter what they support publically. That is after all the true reason we have a second amendment to the constitution. That amendment had to be fought for as many in power in the new United States had only recently used arms to fight off another government power, and they didn't want to end up on the receiving end themselves. Every tragedy involving firearms is immediately politicized and used to erode the rights of the people. The people have been dumbed down for generations, they abdicate their rights and allow others to make the decisions for them, they fear anyone who stands tall and wants to walk their own path in life free of government imposed restriction on the rights we are all promised under the constitution. They vote in representative's who erode the constitution while apparently not realizing that document is the only thing keeping them alive. Give us that yearly purge night popularized in a movie recently and most if not all of these people who fight to reduce the rights of their fellow citizens would be dead before dawn. Bump stocks are just something the politicians are latching onto in order to make it look like they " did something" to their idiot constituents without totally enraging the gun owning population. Seems not to have worked with rising gun sales and even backlash against President Trump, possibly the most Pro gun president in the last century or longer. Some even in the gun culture don't seem to realize they can't ban one particular rifle without banning an entire class of rifle, and that is the aim here with the AR simply being the poster child. We need to fight every measure of " gun control" no matter how seemingly innocent it seems to be, and that includes these bump stock things. This is because we are dealing with an opposition that if given an inch will want a mile.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by ksbanker »

Totally agree JYD. There are sadly many gun owners who don't care for a particular type of rifle or feature(usually AR-15) or more specifically in this case "bump-fire" stocks, so they are fine with laws prohibiting them. As you said, it is very difficult to ban one specific rifle or feature. The ATF language regarding the ban of bump fire stocks also included "rate of fire increasing devices." This opens the door to light triggers and likely eventually semi-automatic firearms in general. I am a huge Trump fan but I do not agree at all with his push for gun control. He has said that even if congress doesn't act HE will ban bump fire stocks because they basically turn a rifle into a "machine gun!" I'd like to think this is a bunch of noise (like with DACA), but I think he is serious. I hope everyone bought an AR if they wanted one while they were (really still are) dirt cheap. I'd bet the prices will begin to rise soon.
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Re: Gun Control Push

Post by thughes »

I'll just leave this here..... ... le/2650087

"Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., announced Monday he is introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018. More than 150 Democrats have signed on in support of the legislation, Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., said."

"The bill prohibits the “sale, transfer, production, and importation” of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, the legislation bans the sale, transfer, production, and importation of semi-automatic shotguns with features such as a pistol grip or detachable stock, and ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds."
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